Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.


The EITC Helped Melissa Finish College

Melissa works as a family advocate. A job she says she always wanted, because because she “wanted to be able to help people every day.” But before she finished her degree, she lived paycheck to paycheck, not knowing if she would be able to pay the next round of bills.
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Substitute House Budget Bills Filed

The House Budget Committee Chair introduced substitute budget bills that will be the starting point for budget debate when the legislature returns from its spring break. Detailed tracking sheets can be viewed here. Some notable changes from the Governors recommendations include:
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Throwing a Lifeline to a Lifeline: How Other Tax Credit Reforms Can Save the Circuit Breaker

The circuit breaker is a popular tax credit that helps Missouri seniors and people with disabilities with fixed incomes to stay in their homes by offsetting costs related to property taxes. Lawmakers have been discussing several proposals to eliminate renters from the credit.
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House Budget Committee Organizes for 2017 Session

New Budget Chairman Scott Fitzpatrick welcomed 17 new members to the 35-member budget committee. Rep. Justin Alferman serves as vice-chairman and Rep. Michael Butler as the ranking minority member. This year, members of the budget committee will also be members of at least one of
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Federal Health Update, January 13, 2017

Senate Republicans took their first major step toward repealing the Affordable Care Act on Thursday, approving a budget blueprint that would allow them to gut the health care law without the threat of a Democratic filibuster. After a marathon session, the Senate voted 51 to 48 to
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Senate Committee Hears Bill to Dramatically Alter Medicaid

The Senate Committee on Seniors, Families and Children heard testimony on a bill that would allow dramatic changes to the way Missouri operates its Medicaid program. Sometimes referred to as the Global Waiver bill or the Block Grant bill, Senate Bill 28 (Sater) would: Authorize
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Tax Issues on the November Ballot

Voters will decide on several tax issues on the November ballot. MBP’s positions are as follows. More information on each issue is below. MBP supports: Amendment 1 – Parks, Soil, & Water Sales Tax Amendment 3 – Cigarette Tax Increase for Early Education
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New Census Data Underscores Need for Missouri Earned Income Tax Credit

Statement from Amy Blouin, Missouri Budget Project Executive Director More than one in five Missouri kids are growing up in families that can’t afford the basics necessary for a good start to life because they make so little. Although poverty slightly declined since the previous
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MBP Statement: Missouri Uninsured Rate High Compared with Other States – Medicaid Expansion Would Help

Statement from Amy Blouin, Missouri Budget Project Executive Director New census data indicate that hundreds of thousands of Missourians still can’t get the health care they need to be healthy, productive members of their communities. About one in every ten, or 583,000
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Study Commission on State Tax Policy Meetings

The Missouri Study Commission on State Tax Policy will be holding several public hearings over the next five months, including one Wednesday in Springfield. The Commission is undertaking a comprehensive review of Missouri’s tax structure and identifying potential improvements.
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