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Tax Cuts Fling Missouri Toward Massive Budget Cliff

Despite the release of many gubernatorial budget restrictions, weak state general revenue collections continue to require reduced funding in the current year. However, Missouri’s current budget challenges are just the beginning of a massive, self-imposed fiscal cliff
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Amendment 10: A Solution in Search of a Problem

In November, Missouri voters will decide on Amendment 10, a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would essentially shift the authority over and responsibility for maintaining a balanced budget from the Governor to the General Assembly. Unfortunately, the measure
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Governor’s Vetoes & Restrictions Span Entire Budget

An unbalanced FY 2015 budget and a flurry of special interest tax cuts passed on the last day of the legislative session spurred over $144 million in line item vetoes and another $641 million in spending restrictions. For more information about the Governor’s actions on the
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State General Revenue Declines Sharply: Could Lead to Budget Reductions

General revenue collections fell 5 percent in April, and Missouri could end the fiscal year below estimates. What does this mean for next year’s budget? To read the complete article click here.
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