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Medicaid Expansion: A Good Deal for the State Budget

While counterintuitive, Medicaid expansion would result in more than $100 million in state general revenue savings and new revenue for the state of Missouri. This net increase in the general revenue budget would make funds available that could be used for other priorities,
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Missouri General Revenue: Limping Into the New Year

Tax Changes Leave State Unable to Meet Inflationary Costs Recently announced growth in Missouri’s state general revenue collections may be misleading because the growth is based on a comparison to very weak collections in the prior year. Taking a more comprehensive view shows
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For Immediate Release: December 11, 2019 Contact: Traci Gleason Missouri’s Young Children Rapidly Losing Health Coverage State’s High Uninsured Rate Threatens Young Children’s Healthy Development Missouri’s youngest children are losing health care coverage at an alarming rate,
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17% Increase in Uninsured Missouri Kids

Kids who have health coverage do better in school and have better health, educational, and economic outcomes as adults. Unfortunately, a new report from the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families shows that an estimated 83,000 Missouri children were uninsured in
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Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program in MO: 2019 Chartbook

Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) play an important role in Missouri’s health care coverage. Learn more about who qualifies for Medicaid coverage, how it is financed, and how Medicaid impacts Missourians’ health in the 2019 Chartbook.
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MBP Urges Trump Administration to Reject Change That Would Undercut Safety Net

For Immediate Release: June 20, 2019   MBP Urges Trump Administration to Reject Change That Would Undercut Safety Net Press Statement by Amy Blouin, President & CEO of the Missouri Budget Project   The Missouri Budget Project and more than forty organizations from across
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MO Needs Straightforward Wayfair Fix, NOT HB 548

House Bill 548 would make Missouri’s tax structure more unfair, shortchange education funding, and jeopardize the resources our communities need to prosper. Although certain provisions of the bill, would close an ongoing tax loophole, an analysis by the Missouri Budget Project
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HB 548 Would Further Destabilize MO Budget

Download/View the PDF Version Although certain provisions of House Committee Substitute for House Bill 548 (HB 548) would close an ongoing tax loophole, the remainder of the bill would make Missouri’s tax structure more unfair for most Missourians, shortchange education funding,
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Wayfair Fix Can Help Stabilize Missouri’s Budget

View/Download the PDF Version By enacting the “Wayfair Fix,” legislators can level the playing field for Missouri businesses, help balance the state’s budget, and provide the much-needed resources our communities need to prosper. While Missouri’s local businesses contribute to
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SNAP Provides Critical Boost to Local Economies Throughout Missouri

Download the PDF Version The Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNAP) helps more than 750,000 Missourians afford the food they need to be healthy & productive members of their communities, while providing an extra $1.8 billion boost to our economy & businesses throughout our
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