Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

St. Louis City Direct Cash Assistance: Racial Equity Analysis

While all Missourians were impacted by the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, some were hit harder than others. Although every Missourian deserves the opportunity to thrive, with quality housing they can afford, a job that lets them provide for their families, and a
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State of Working Missouri 2022

Introduction Working Missourians are the engines of our economy, supplying the products and services we all use in our daily lives. They harvest the food we eat, build the homes we live in, and pave the roads we drive on; they keep our communities safe, provide our families with
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Streamlining Medicaid Enrollment Supports Coverage and Reduces Administrative Burdens

In July, Missouri implemented temporary enrollment policies to reduce the state’s Medicaid application backlog. These strategies have been extremely effective at streamlining access to coverage and reducing administrative burden, and the Missouri Department of Social Services
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Press Release: General Assembly Moves Forward with Tax Giveaways that Most Benefit Wealthy

Tax Package Offers Little to Most Missourians and Poses Risk to Missouri in Future Years For Immediate Release: September 29, 2022Contact: Traci Gleason Today the Missouri House of Representatives chose to advance income tax changes that will have a big impact on state services
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Impact of Special Session Tax Package by Income

Updated November 16th, 2022: The earlier version showed an incorrect figure for the impact of reducing the top rate from 5.3 to 4.3% on the middle 20% of income earners. The earlier version showed -155; the correct figure is -115.
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Aging in Missouri: An Overview of State Services & Funding

As the number of older Missourians increases, demand for programs serving older adults and people living with disabilities has grown dramatically. However, the availability of and funding for these services has not kept pace. This report provides an overview of state programs
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How Missouri’s Taxes Compare

A variety of revenue sources contribute to the state public services Missourians rely on as a foundation to build their lives. In addition to federal funds, sources include income and sales taxes, gas and tobacco taxes, and lottery and gaming revenue. This diversity of funding
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A Path Forward: How Lawmakers Can Provide Fiscally Responsible Tax Relief that Reaches Every Missourian

Governor Parson’s recently released tax proposal would leave out about 1/3 of Missourians, including many of those who pay the highest proportion of their income in state & local taxes, and set the state up for a Kansas-like budget bomb that would require significant cuts to
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Missouri Budget Project Releases Proposal to Provide Fiscally Responsible Tax Relief for Every Missourian

For Immediate Release: September 1, 2022Contact: Traci Gleason Today the Missouri Budget Project (MBP) unveiled an alternative tax proposal for policymakers to consider when they convene for a special legislative session later this month. The MBP package would reach every
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