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Missouri budget

Introduction to Missouri’s State Budget (2024)

The Missouri Budget Project’s “Introduction to Missouri’s State Budget” outlines Missouri’s budget process, including where the state’s revenue comes from and how the state allocates funding. State Budget & Taxes: Impact at a Glance We all want to live in healthy
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Introduction to Missouri’s State Budget (2023)

The Missouri Budget Project’s “Introduction to Missouri’s State Budget” outlines Missouri’s budget process, including where the state’s revenue comes from and how the state allocates funding. State Budget & Taxes: Impact at a Glance The impacts of Missouri’s investments are
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How Missouri Taxes & Revenue Compare to Other States

A number of tax changes made over the last three decades have resulted in an inadequate, upside-down tax system where low- and middle-income Missourians pay a higher share of their income in taxes than the richest Missourians, and out-of-state corporations pay less than their
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A Path Forward: How Lawmakers Can Provide Fiscally Responsible Tax Relief that Reaches Every Missourian

Governor Parson’s recently released tax proposal would leave out about 1/3 of Missourians, including many of those who pay the highest proportion of their income in state & local taxes, and set the state up for a Kansas-like budget bomb that would require significant cuts to
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FY 2023 Budget Overview: Lawmakers Leverage Federal Funding to Invest in Critical Services & Infrastructure

This paper reflects the fiscal year 2023 budget approved by the General Assembly in May 2022. Click here for an updated version that reflects the vetoes Governor Parson made in June 2022.
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FY 2023 Budget Overview: Federal Funding Bolsters State Investments in Critical Services & Infrastructure

The following was updated in July 2022 to include Governor Parson’s vetoes. Click here to see the original version that summarizes the FY 2023 budget as passed by the General Assembly. Overview In May, Missouri legislators approved funding to provide critical public
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Summary of House-Passed ARPA Spending Bill

The Missouri House approved its version of the state budget bills this week, including a plan for spending the $2.68 billion in state aid provided through the federal American Rescue Plan (ARPA). Missouri policymakers must obligate these funds by the end of 2024 and spent them by
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Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Missouri’s State Budget

The state budget is more than just a spreadsheet. Every number represents an investment in our kids, our parents & grandparents, and our neighbors. The budget impacts ALL of us, EACH day. Through public services, like education, public health and safety, and transportation,
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Budget 202 Webinar

Interested in learning more about how the Missouri budget is crafted, and how you can get involved? This two-part webinar is a “deep dive” for those who work on budget priorities and want to understand where to find data on the budget as it is moving through the legislative
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Circuit Breaker Property Tax Credit Critical for Seniors, Missourians with Disabilities Across the State

Download the PDF Version The circuit breaker is a popular tax credit that helps Missouri seniors and people with disabilities with fixed incomes to stay in their homes by offsetting costs related to property taxes. State  lawmakers are considering House Committee Bill 3, which
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