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special session

Impact of Special Session Tax Package by Income

Updated November 16th, 2022: The earlier version showed an incorrect figure for the impact of reducing the top rate from 5.3 to 4.3% on the middle 20% of income earners. The earlier version showed -155; the correct figure is -115.
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How Missouri’s Taxes Compare

A variety of revenue sources contribute to the state public services Missourians rely on as a foundation to build their lives. In addition to federal funds, sources include income and sales taxes, gas and tobacco taxes, and lottery and gaming revenue. This diversity of funding
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A Path Forward: How Lawmakers Can Provide Fiscally Responsible Tax Relief that Reaches Every Missourian

Governor Parson’s recently released tax proposal would leave out about 1/3 of Missourians, including many of those who pay the highest proportion of their income in state & local taxes, and set the state up for a Kansas-like budget bomb that would require significant cuts to
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Missouri Budget Project Releases Proposal to Provide Fiscally Responsible Tax Relief for Every Missourian

For Immediate Release: September 1, 2022Contact: Traci Gleason Today the Missouri Budget Project (MBP) unveiled an alternative tax proposal for policymakers to consider when they convene for a special legislative session later this month. The MBP package would reach every
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Special Session Tax Proposal Leaves Out 1/3 of Missouri Taxpayers, Weighted to Benefit Wealthiest

NOTE: This analysis has been updated to reflect the specific proposal released by Governor Parson on August 22, 2022. A PDF of the earlier version (based on the outline of the proposal the Governor had described in June) can be found at the bottom of this page. Governor Parson’s
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