Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

Summary of House-Passed ARPA Spending Bill

The Missouri House approved its version of the state budget bills this week, including a plan for spending the $2.68 billion in state aid provided through the federal American Rescue Plan (ARPA). Missouri policymakers must obligate these funds by the end of 2024 and spent them by the end of 2026.

The federal government’s response to COVID – including financial support for state services and direct assistance to individuals, families, businesses, and nonprofits – has bolstered Missouri’s economy and state budget through what otherwise would have been an economic crisis. As a result, our state does not need to use ARPA funding to fill state budget holes in order to simply maintain basic services.

Rather, ARPA resources provide a critical opportunity for Missouri to make transformative investments that can address the health and economic consequences of the pandemic AND build toward a better and more equitable future for all Missourians.

The House-approved spending plan takes steps toward that end, making key investments to improve health and economic outcomes for all Missourians, including:

  • Expansion of broadband and improved IT infrastructure, which will increase access to education, work, telehealth, and state safety net services when needed.
  • Workforce development, training initiatives, and improvements in higher education infrastructure to enhance learning.
  • Funding for the Department of Health and Senior Services to construct a state-of-the-art laboratory to support public health, agriculture and animal health, and environmental quality.
  • Grants for local community development projects, which could allow communities to develop much-needed affordable workforce housing.
  • Grants to support capital improvements at Missouri’s community health and behavioral health clinics.
  • Grants to nonprofits, small businesses, child welfare organizations, arts organizations and more.

While there is a lot of potential in the bill, there is room for improvement:

  • For example, the bill does not include direct cash support for Missourians who have been most impacted by COVID, such as those who were living paycheck-to-paycheck prior to the pandemic and are still struggling to get back on their feet.
  • Further, the House version of the spending plan does not use all the fiscal relief funding allocated to Missouri, leaving funds available for other proposals as the bill moves over to the State Senate.

Although states have considerable flexibility in determining how to spend ARPA funds, they must be used for a few general purposes, including responding to the pandemic or its economic effects, providing services, and improving infrastructure.

When the Missouri House of Representatives laid out its ARPA spending plan in House Bill 3020, legislators allocated funds in four designated spending categories:

  • Addressing the Health and Economic Consequences of COVID,
  • Developing Broadband,
  • Improvements in Water Infrastructure, and
  • Revenue replacement (general purpose state budget needs).

This summary includes the section number for each appropriation (indicated as 20.XXX) and separates them according to these spending categories.

Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery –
Health and Economic Impact Fund

Bill SectionDescriptionAmountNotes
20.005MOEXCELS Workforce Development Initiatives$10,000,000 
20.010Technology Upgrades at Job Centers$250,000 
20.013Department of Transportation Grants to Port Authorities$50,000,000 
20.025State Building HVAC Projects$5,000,000 
20.026Children’s Trust Fund Home Visiting$500,000 
20.030Technology Upgrades Department of Commerce and Insurance$21,000,000 
20.055Broadband Cell Towers$20,000,000 
20.065Community Development Grants to Localities$50,000,000Allowable uses include developing affordable workforce housing; 1:1 match required
20.070Grants to Cities & Counties for Industrial Site Development$50,000,0001:1 match required
20.075Grants to Small Businesses$10,000,000First Round Priority given to Minority and Women-Owned Businesses
20.085Grants to Nonprofits$7,500,000 
20.090Workforce Development$5,000,000Training, etc.
20.095Tourism Marketing$5,000,000 
20.100Local Tourism Grants$10,000,0001:1 match required
20.105Grants to Arts, Museums, Entertainment Venues$5,000,000 
20.106Grants through the Humanities Council$1,000,000Preference given to programs and venues negatively impacted by Pandemic
20.115GIS System to Support Next Generation 911 Services$38,000,000 
20.120Addition to Missouri Statewide Interoperability Network (MOSWIN) to extend coverage$4,000,000Department of Public Safety portable radio communication coverage Jefferson City, Cole and Callaway Counties
20.125State Emergency Management Agency$100,000,000COVID Response including PPE, Monoclonal Antibody Sites, Hospital Staffing, etc.
20.135Building State Crime Lab$104,662,200Improvements needed to enhance forensic examinations, provide for DNA processing and sexual assault kits, new protocols/equipment to avoid exposure to dangerous contaminants such as fentanyl.
20.140Technology Grants to Local Law Enforcement Training Centers$10,500,000 
20.145Crime Labs Sexual Assault Kit Testing$1,125,000 
20.150Grants to Local First Responder Entities$5,187,034Capped at $20,000 per entity and requires 5% match
20.165Renovation of Department of Mental Health Operated Cottages and Group Homes$6,987,195 
20.170Renovation of Department of Mental Health – Fulton State Hospital$15,999,999 
20.175Timekeeping System for Department of Mental Health$600,000 
20.180Department of Mental Health Technology Upgrades to Support New 988 Crisis Hotline$1,081,500 
20.185Grants to Community Health & Mental Health Clinics for Capital Improvements$149,513,118Requires 1:1 match
20.195Nursing Home and Assisted Living Initiatives$10,000,000Can reimburse assisted living facilities for COVID related costs including payroll increases and bonuses
20.196Aid to Local Public Health Agencies$2,300,000 
20.205Aid to Medicaid Providers in Rural Counties to Increase Access to Telehealth$8,500,000 
20.210Construction & Operation of a new Day Treatment Facility for At-Risk Youth$5,953,333 
20.311Department of Agriculture Grants for Innovative Projects Promote Agriculture in Urban/Suburban Communities
20.326Filtration and Remediation of Lead in Water in Schools$27,000,000Buildings that house early childhood, elementary and secondary education programs
20.705East Central College Capital Improvements$6,500,000Requires 1:1 Match
20.710Jefferson College Capital Improvements$1,821,265Requires 1:1 match
20.715Metropolitan Community College Capital Improvements$10,000,000Requires 1:1 match
20.720Mineral Area College Capital Improvements$5,000,000Requires 1:1 match
20.735Ozarks Technical Community College Capital Improvements$5,000,000Requires 1:1 match
20.740St. Charles Community College Capital Improvements$18,000,000Requires 1:1 match
20.745St. Louis Community College Capital Improvements$20,000,000Requires 1:1 match
20.750State Fair Community College Capital Improvements$5,000,000Requires 1:1 match
20.760State Technical College of Missouri Capital Improvements$20,000,000Requires 1:1 match
20.765University of Central Missouri Capital Improvements$19,900,000Requires 1:1 match
20.775Missouri State University Capital Improvements$30,000,000Requires 1:1 match
20.780Lincoln University Capital Improvements$20,000,000Requires 1:1 match
20.795Missouri Southern State University Capital Improvements$15,000,000Requires 1:1 match
20.800Missouri Western State University and North Central Missouri College Capital Improvements; specifically, the collaborative Convergent Technology Alliance Center$4,747,458Requires 1:1 match
20.805Harris-Stowe State University Capital Improvements$15,500,000Requires 1:1 match
20.815University of Missouri – Columbia Capital Improvements$104,500,000Requires 1:1 match
20.900Office of Administration staffing and equipment to administer funded programs$1,287,568 

Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery – Broadband

Bill SectionDescriptionAmountNotes
20.320State Parks Broadband and Public WIFI$9,566,600 
20.370Broadband Expansion$53,262,456 
20.371Broadband Provider Reimbursement for Costs to remove and replace utility poles as necessary to expand broadband coverage in the state$25,000,000 
20.375Department of Economic Development Staffing of Broadband Oversight Office$8,484,488Will oversee Broadband Development and Funding
20.380Broadband Subsidy Program$20,000,000Subsidies for families with incomes up to 300% of the federal poverty level to access broadband. Preference given to families with school-age children
20.400Department of Corrections Broadband$6,221,625Currently the demand for video visitation, virtual/distance academic and vocational education services, virtual/distance substance-use
treatment, telemedicine, video court proceedings, and video legal visitation continue to exceed the department’s broadband infrastructure.
20.900Department of Economic Development staffing and equipment to administer funded programs$1,213,069 

Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery – Water Infrastructure

Bill SectionDescriptionAmountNotes
20.310Stormwater Project at Missouri State Fairgrounds$33,624,500 
20.325Water Infrastructure Grants and Lead Service Line Inventories$410,686,234Requires 1:1 Match
20.330Water and Wastewater Improvements at Parks and Historic Sites$41,356,291 
20.335Missouri Hydrology Information Center$9,926,210 
20.390Water Infrastructure & Utility Connections National Guard and Veterans Homes$5,312,270Sites include St. James Veterans Home, Camp Clark, Kansas City Airport (MCI)
20.405Renovate Water Infrastructure at Corrections Institutions$14,105,101 

Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery –
Revenue Replacement

Bill SectionDescriptionAmountNotes
20.500Grants to Vocational Education Programs$20,000,000Through DESE, Requires 1:1 Match
20.505Grants to Higher Education Institutions for Agriculture Innovation and Workforce Programs$10,000,000 
20.510State IT Systems Transformation$117,689,000 
20.520Department of Agriculture Grain Regulatory Licensing System Replacement$337,290 
20.525Department of Social Services – Updating the Automated Child Support System$25,750,000 
20.540Department of Agriculture – Emergency Response to Migratory Bird Disease$2,500,000 
20.550Rock Island Trail Development$69,296,711 
20.560Broadband In and Around the State Capitol Complex$12,326,602 
20.570Increased Capacity of Public Safety MOSWIN$3,100,000MOSWIN (Missouri Statewide Interoperability Network)
20.571Construction of Law Enforcement Academy$88,000,000 
20.572Funding for use of force training for all law enforcement officers$1,000,000Training will be provided through a POST-certified non-profit
20.580Department of Corrections Video Security System$11,683,519 
20.585Department of Corrections Radio System$4,652,237 
20.610Department of Health – Multi-Agency Health Laboratory Campus and Equipment$72,335,920 
20.625Department of Social Services – Case Management System$7,000,000For the Division of Youth Services
20.630Grants to Organizations Serving Victims of Crime$24,000,000Department of Social Services to replace Victims of Crime Grant Funding reductions
20.650Upgrades for the Missouri Supreme Court system$4,000,000 
20.700Crowder College Capital Improvements$3,978,000Requires 1:1 Match
20.725Moberly Area Community College Capital Improvements$1,489,148Requires 1:1 match
20.730North Central Missouri College Capital Improvements$1,166,667Requires 1:1 Match
20.755Three Rivers College Capital Improvements$1,000,000Requires 1:1 Match
20.770Southeast Missouri State University Capital Improvements$11,000,000Requires 1:1 Match
20.785Truman State University Capital Improvements$10,517,500Requires 1:1 Match
20.790Northwest Missouri State University Capital Improvements$8,500,000Requires 1:1 Match
20.820Missouri University of Science and Technology Capital Improvements$41,250,000Requires 1:1 Match
20.825University of Missouri – Kansas City Capital Improvements$40,000,000Requires 1:1 Match
20.830University of Missouri – St. Louis Capital Improvements$40,000,000Requires 1:1 Match
20.900Department of Natural Resources staffing & equipment to administer funded programs$770,974 

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