Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

minimum wage

Caregiving Sector Employers Would Benefit from Improved Workforce Stability Achieved by Earned Sick Leave & Minimum Wage Policies

A stable caregiving workforce is critical to ensuring that children, older adults, and those with disabilities receive the high-quality care they need and deserve. Yet the care sector – which includes childcare workers, home health aides, and workers in mental health and child
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Increased Minimum Wage & Access to Earned Sick Leave is Good for Workers and Good for Business

Missouri workers are the driving force behind our state’s economy. When workers earn a decent wage and are given the opportunity to care for their health and their families’ health without risking their jobs or paychecks, they are more focused at work on providing high quality
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$15 Minimum Wage and Access to Paid Earned Sick Leave Good for Missouri Kids and Families

We all benefit when working parents earn enough to support their families and can care for their health and their children’s health without risking their jobs or paychecks. An upcoming initiative on the 2024 ballot would build prosperity for Missouri families and communities by
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Raising Missouri’s Minimum Wage Is Good for Workers and the Economy

Missouri workers are the engines of our economies. When they earn a decent wage and can afford to care for their families, then they can fully participate in their communities and contribute to Missouri’s economic growth. An initiative on the 2024 ballot would build quality jobs
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Estimated Impact of Increased Minimum Wage & Access to Earned Sick Leave on Missouri Workers, Families, & Economy

Missouri workers are the engines of our economies. When they earn a decent wage and can care for their health and their families’ health without risking their jobs or paychecks, then they can fully participate in their communities and contribute to Missouri’s economic growth.
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Increasing MO’s Minimum Wage Would Help Working Families & Boost State Economy

Download the PDF Version Raising the minimum wage is a proven strategy to help working families make ends meet and spread prosperity by lifting more Missourians above poverty and into the middle class. Although across Missouri wages are slowly recovering from the recession, too
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