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State Tax Policy

New Census Data Underscores Need for Missouri Earned Income Tax Credit

Statement from Amy Blouin, Missouri Budget Project Executive Director More than one in five Missouri kids are growing up in families that can’t afford the basics necessary for a good start to life because they make so little. Although poverty slightly declined since the previous
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Study Commission on State Tax Policy Meetings

The Missouri Study Commission on State Tax Policy will be holding several public hearings over the next five months, including one Wednesday in Springfield. The Commission is undertaking a comprehensive review of Missouri’s tax structure and identifying potential improvements.
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MO House Vote Creates Momentum for State EITC

For Immediate Release MO House Vote Creates Momentum for State EITC Statement from Amy Blouin, Executive Director  We hope that today’s vote by the Missouri House to create a state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) provides the momentum needed for the full legislature to act so
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A Missouri Earned Income Tax Credit: Helping to Pave the Way to the Middle Class

EITC Boosts Families, Strengthens Local Economies Download the PDF Version of this Report A prosperous Missouri requires a strong middle class, with the ability for families that work hard to achieve a better future. A state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is one of the best ways
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Enact the Streamlined Sales Tax to Strengthen State Services & Level the Playing Field for MO Businesses

Download the PDF Version Why Streamlined is Important: Missouri tax laws have failed to keep pace with a changing economy, reducing the state’s ability to invest in the well-being of its citizens. In particular, Missouri and other states that rely on sales and use taxes to fund
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Tax Cuts Fling Missouri Toward Massive Budget Cliff

Despite the release of many gubernatorial budget restrictions, weak state general revenue collections continue to require reduced funding in the current year. However, Missouri’s current budget challenges are just the beginning of a massive, self-imposed fiscal cliff
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Missouri Revenue: Digging Out from a Hole, Only to Go Over a Tax Cut Cliff

Recent spending restrictions are just the beginning of a steep fiscal cliff for Missouri as a result of tax cuts passed in the 2014 legislative session. To maintain FY2014 services and fully fund education, Missouri would face a more than $2 billion shortfall when tax cuts are
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House Ways & Means Committee Irresponsibly Rushes $799 Million Tax Cut

In a specially convened meeting, the House Ways & Means Committee passed SB 509, which would starve education, social services, and other services of $800 million annually when fully implemented. Click here for MBP’s full reaction to the bill.
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Senate Passes $799 Million Tax Scheme Based on Failing Kansas Policies

 Missourians deserve better than empty promises. Click here to read MBP’s statement on the Senate’s approval of SB 509.
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House Approved Tax Schemes Would Damage Services, Disproportionately Benefit Highest Income Missourians

MBP’s latest analysis shows that two recently approved House tax cut schemes would require sharp cuts to services, prevent K-12 education from being fully funded, disproportionately benefit the wealthiest, but fail to create jobs.
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