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State Revenue

MO Needs Straightforward Wayfair Fix, NOT HB 548

House Bill 548 would make Missouri’s tax structure more unfair, shortchange education funding, and jeopardize the resources our communities need to prosper. Although certain provisions of the bill, would close an ongoing tax loophole, an analysis by the Missouri Budget Project
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Higher than Expected Revenue Growth Could Benefit Missourians

Download the PDF Higher than expected state general revenue growth could result in more than $200 million in additional revenue than anticipated, allowing Missouri to restore cuts to prescription assistance for seniors and home care for people with disabilities. While general
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MBP Statement: Tax Bills Put Profit Margins Before People

For Immediate Release, May 17, 2018 Lawmakers are set to give a huge tax break to profitable corporations while undermining our ability to fund schools, health, roads, and other things Missourians need. At the same time, lawmakers are considering scrapping a tax credit that would
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State GR Trends Show Caution Needed on Tax Changes

Download the PDF Despite a growing economy and low unemployment, state general revenue has dropped significantly, hindering the ability of Missouri to invest in the resources our communities need to prosper. State revenue trends generally reflect economic indicators. However,
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The Case for Decoupling: How Federal Tax Changes May Impact Missouri Revenue

Download the Full PDF A number of provisions included in the recently passed federal tax law will affect state revenue collections because of the way state and federal tax laws interact. While most of these implications are clear, the way that Missouri’s state personal exemption
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MO May See Additional Budget Shortfalls in FYs 2017 & 2018

A stunning state revenue collapse in the final days of the last fiscal year (FY2016, which ended on June 30th) may continue to hamper Missouri’s ability to meet the educational, health, and other needs of Missourians. Decreased revenue in the month of June prompted the Governor
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Recommendations for a More Prosperous Missouri: Invest in Missouri

Investing in Missouri: Creating a Better Future for Our Families   By enacting these two measures, Missouri’s lawmakers could dramatically strengthen state services and lay the foundation for a more prosperous Missouri in 2016.   Expand Medicaid Eligibility to Improve the
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Join Us for MBP’s Invest in MO Forums

The Missouri Budget Project has developed a series of analyses that collectively propose a “policy game plan” for a more prosperous future for all Missourians. The analyses evaluate Missouri’s current investments in critical public services, how those investments have been
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General Revenue Growth Insufficient for Current Budget

This week the Missouri Office of Administration released the details of the state’s general revenue tax collections in February and for the fiscal year from July 1 through February. As of the end of February, the amount of revenue for the year to date has grown by 4.9 percent
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FY 2015 Includes Critical Increases, But Funding Uncertain

The the fiscal year 2015 budget includes critical increases for many state services still recovering from recent year cuts.  However, weak general revenue in the current year and a plethora of special interest tax breaks passed the last day of session could jeopardize
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