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Missouri Budget

FY 2015 Includes Critical Increases, But Funding Uncertain

The the fiscal year 2015 budget includes critical increases for many state services still recovering from recent year cuts.  However, weak general revenue in the current year and a plethora of special interest tax breaks passed the last day of session could jeopardize
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Missouri Budget Primer

Every day, each Missourian is affected by the budget decisions made by the General Assembly.  But where does MO get its revenue? How is it spent? Check out our Missouri Budget Primer to learn more about the Missouri budget.
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Revenue Dispute Impacts Budget Process

The inabililty of the legislature and Governor’s office to agree on expected revenue for the next budget year has created additional challenges as the legislature’s appropriations committees begin crafting a budget for FY2015.  MBP outlines the latest from the
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Top 10 Reasons to Oppose House Version of SB 26

The House approved a substitute version of the Senate’s tax cut proposal. While the measure was altered significantly, it was not improved. Click here to learn more about the bill and its impacts on Missouri. 
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Summary of FY 2014 State Budget Proposals

Although Missouri’s financial position has begun to slowly improve, the state is still facing a difficult road to recovery from recession shortfalls.  MBP’s latest paper examines the budget proposals by the Governor and House, noting that they rely on a
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Summary of FY 2014 State Budget Proposals

Although Missouri’s financial position has begun to slowly improve, the state is still facing a difficult road to recovery from recession shortfalls.  MBP’s latest paper examines the budget proposals by the Governor and House, noting that they rely on a
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Extreme Tax Proposal Will Undermine MO Economy

The tax cuts passed today by the Senate Ways & Means Committee will slash the state’s general revenue budget by nearly one-fourth, resulting in devastating cuts to services throughout the state. Instead of spurring the economy, the proposal will severely undermine
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Extreme Tax Proposal Will Undermine MO Economy

The tax cuts passed today by the Senate Ways & Means Committee will slash the state’s general revenue budget by nearly one-fourth, resulting in devastating cuts to services throughout the state. Instead of spurring the economy, the proposal will severely undermine
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Medicaid Expansion Would Save MO Money

Missouri has the opportunity to reduce its uninsured by one-fourth and provide health care coverage to about 267,000 Missourians while actually increasing state general revenue available to fund a variety of other services.  To learn more about the cost savings involved in
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Circuit Breaker Cut Would Harm Missouri

The provision included in the Governor’s budget proposal to eliminate the circuit breaker property tax credit for renters would make it more difficult for more than 104,000 low income Missouri seniors and people living with disabilities to stay in their homes by increasing
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