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Higher than Expected Revenue Growth Could Benefit Missourians

Download the PDF Higher than expected state general revenue growth could result in more than $200 million in additional revenue than anticipated, allowing Missouri to restore cuts to prescription assistance for seniors and home care for people with disabilities. While general
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MBP Statement: Tax Bills Put Profit Margins Before People

For Immediate Release, May 17, 2018 Lawmakers are set to give a huge tax break to profitable corporations while undermining our ability to fund schools, health, roads, and other things Missourians need. At the same time, lawmakers are considering scrapping a tax credit that would
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Preliminary Look at FY2019 Budget

State lawmakers approved the state budget for Fiscal Year 2019 this week. The budget, which kicks-in on July 1st, provides $28.3 billion in total funding for critical community services, including education, health & mental health, child welfare, transportation and public
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State GR Trends Show Caution Needed on Tax Changes

Download the PDF Despite a growing economy and low unemployment, state general revenue has dropped significantly, hindering the ability of Missouri to invest in the resources our communities need to prosper. State revenue trends generally reflect economic indicators. However,
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House Committee Farm Bill Would Cost Missouri, Harm Families

Download the PDF Version The U.S. Congress is considering proposals that would make food assistance more difficult to access, and could take food off the tables of 131,000 Missourians and their families. These punitive policies, including harsh work requirements, would cost
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Senate Rushes to Approve Unfair & Irresponsible Tax Bill

Follow the Missouri Budget Project on Facebook  and Twitter for the latest updates After only 30 minutes of debate, on Wednesday the Missouri Senate gave preliminary approval for a tax bill that will give big cuts to the wealthy and corporations while leaving our communities
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Strengthen Childcare Assistance to Increase Access to Quality Care

DOWNLOAD PDF Access to high quality, affordable childcare not only creates a solid foundation for children to thrive but is also an essential component of developing a strong workforce. Yet too many Missouri families face barriers in accessing childcare, either because of the
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Sales Taxes on Groceries & the Importance of a Refundable EITC

Download the Full PDF A state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), like the recently proposed Missouri Working Families Credit, could benefit as many as 515,000 working families with modest wages, providing hardworking families the ability to achieve a better future and a pathway to
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The Case for Decoupling: How Federal Tax Changes May Impact Missouri Revenue

Download the Full PDF A number of provisions included in the recently passed federal tax law will affect state revenue collections because of the way state and federal tax laws interact. While most of these implications are clear, the way that Missouri’s state personal exemption
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Federal Safety Net Services: Missouri Fact Sheets

Safety net services serve thousands of Missourians struggling to meet basic needs each year. Many of these services are federally funded in whole or in part. This series of fact sheets examines eligibility and enrollment for a variety of these services, including: Child Care
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