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Featured Health Care

Reducing Children’s Health Insurance (CHIP) Premiums Will Help Missouri Kids and Families Thrive

When kids have consistent access to health coverage, they can get the care they need to be healthy and succeed in school and beyond. In Missouri, ensuring access to coverage is particularly important for the nearly 30,000 kids in low-income families who rely on the Children’s
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Medicaid Work Reporting Requirements: A State Budget Buster

Proposals to amend the State Constitution to require some parents and other non-elderly adults to meet work reporting requirements in order to be eligible for Medicaid could cost Missouri more than $215 million a year in state general revenue to implement. Evidence from other
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Medicaid Expansion: A Good Deal for the State Budget

While counterintuitive, Medicaid expansion would result in more than $100 million in state general revenue savings and new revenue for the state of Missouri. This net increase in the general revenue budget would make funds available that could be used for other priorities,
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17% Increase in Uninsured Missouri Kids

Kids who have health coverage do better in school and have better health, educational, and economic outcomes as adults. Unfortunately, a new report from the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families shows that an estimated 83,000 Missouri children were uninsured in
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Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program in MO: 2019 Chartbook

Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) play an important role in Missouri’s health care coverage. Learn more about who qualifies for Medicaid coverage, how it is financed, and how Medicaid impacts Missourians’ health in the 2019 Chartbook.
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Federal Health Care Act Would Strain MO’s Budget, Health Care

**Note: The recently released Senate discussion draft would further cut Medicaid and shift even more costs onto Missouri over time. As a result, the consequences described in the papers below remain. The caps included in both bills would force Missouri to raise taxes, cut
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Medicaid in Missouri: 2017 Chart Book

The Missouri Budget Project’s “Medicaid in Missouri: 2017 Chartbook” illustrates the basics of Medicaid in our state, including who is covered, how it is financed, and how the health care services impact Missourians. Download the PDF Version  
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MBP Statement: Missouri Uninsured Rate High Compared with Other States – Medicaid Expansion Would Help

Statement from Amy Blouin, Missouri Budget Project Executive Director New census data indicate that hundreds of thousands of Missourians still can’t get the health care they need to be healthy, productive members of their communities. About one in every ten, or 583,000
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Investing in Healthy Families

Investing in Healthy Families Download PDF of Investing in Healthy Families A healthy Missouri means all Missouri families can get the health care they need. That sickness or chronic illnesses are caught early, rather than waiting for an emergency to hit. That employees can stay
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Medicaid Makes (Dollars &) Sense

An oft-cited claim by Medicaid opponents is that Missouri can’t afford to expand Medicaid. But the truth is, Missouri can’t afford NOT to expand and transform our MO HealthNet, Missouri’s Medicaid program. As shown in a newly released report by the Missouri Budget Project,
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