Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

Missouri Can Stimulate Economy, Aid Struggling Families While Rebuilding Unemployment Trust Fund

By directing a small portion of remaining federal COVID relief funds to Missourians who have exhausted their regular state unemployment benefits, state lawmakers have the opportunity to stimulate local economies and help Missourians struggling to pay their bills – while
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Medicaid is Key to Current & Former Foster Youth

Children in foster care often have complex health care needs given the circumstances and trauma surrounding their entry into the child welfare system. Medicaid coverage helps ensure that foster children receive the care they need, and it incentivizes permanency by protecting
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Using Federal COVID Funds for Direct Stimulus Rather Than Unemployment Trust Fund Would Help Missourians and Spur Local Economies

For Immediate Release:November 10, 2020 The supplemental appropriations bill currenting moving through the Missouri legislature would allow federal COVID relief funds to be used to replenish the state’s unemployment trust fund – at the same time that the Missouri Department of
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COVID $$ to Unemployment Trust Fund?

Last week, Missouri legislators convened a Special Legislative Session to discuss allocation of the remainder of the Coronavirus Relief Fund in Missouri. While the Governor’s Supplemental Budget request and House Bill 14, the corresponding supplemental appropriations bill, both
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New Data Finds Number of Uninsured Children Increasing at Alarming Rate

Policies Enacted During Pandemic to Help Kids Access Health Care Should be Continued An estimated 6.5%, or 95,000, Missouri children were uninsured last year, a number that has increased by more than one third since 2016, according to a new report released by the Georgetown
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Congress Must Negotiate and Approve Robust COVID Relief Package

For Immediate Release, September 10, 2020 Congress Must Negotiate and Approve Robust COVID Relief Package Statement by Amy Blouin, President & CEO, Missouri Budget Project “Missourians are counting on our Congressional delegation to pass a robust COVID relief package
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You Did It!

With your help, Missouri voters approved Medicaid expansion! After a decade, Missourians can finally reap the health and economic benefits of expansion. Finally, around 230,000 more Missourians will have access to health care services. Moreover, expansion will create jobs, boost
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Statement: Senate Leadership Plan Doesn’t Meet Needs of Families, Match Scope of Unprecedented Economic Challenges

The Senate Leadership COVID-19 relief plan unveiled yesterday doesn’t meet the needs of Missouri families and doesn’t address our unprecedented state fiscal crisis, which means it will make the recession longer and more painful, Amy Blouin, president and CEO of the Missouri
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Medicaid Expansion is Good for State Budgets

Recent research provides further evidence that Medicaid expansion can be implemented either cost-neutrally or while achieving cost savings for states. Two recently published studies have examined the impact on state budgets in states that have expanded Medicaid.  Both
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