Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

Healthcare for MO – Medicaid Expansion Explainer

Healthcare for Missouri put together a handy explainer for Medicaid Expansion.
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Testimony in Support of Unemployment Overpayment Forgiveness

Although we appreciate that the Department faced significant challenges in administering rapid federal program changes, attempts to collect overpayments due to administrative failings will only harm the families who were most impacted by the economic fallout due to COVID, many of
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Testimony in Support of SB248

The Missouri Budget Project supports Senate Bill 248. By implementing the “Wayfair Fix,” allowing the state to capture sales tax for online retail purchases, lawmakers can level the playing field for Missouri’s bricks-and-mortar retailers and their online competitors and provide
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Bolster the Middle Class with an Earned Income Tax Credit

A state Earned Income Tax Credit would provide a much-needed boost for hardworking families. This bottom-up tax cut builds the middle class, spurs local economic growth, and provides long-term benefits to families and communities. Updated February 2021
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Medicaid is Critical to Children’s Health

Consistent, continuous health coverage is fundamental to ensuring that all children receive the care they need to stay healthy and active. Missouri’s Medicaid program is a critical piece of ensuring that kids throughout Missouri, in our rural and our urban counties, have access
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Medicaid’s Crucial Role in Early Childhood Health

Preventive care and developmental screenings during early childhood set children up for a lifetime of good physical, social, and emotional health, as well as financial stability. Consistent health coverage ensures children get the care they need. Strengthening MO HealthNet,
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MBP Reacts to 2021 State of the State

This afternoon, Governor Parson laid out his budget priorities for the state budget year that begins July 1, 2021. MBP will analyze the specifics of the proposal in the coming days, but we are pleased that in his address, Governor Parson: Emphasized the need to level the playing
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Medicaid & Schools: Working Together to Help Kids Learn

Children who are healthy and have access to the care and treatment they need are better able to enter school ready to learn and to remain engaged in the classroom. A strong Missouri Medicaid program ensures that low-income students in Missouri have the comprehensive, continuous
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Medicaid & Children’s Health Insurance Program in Missouri: 2020 Chartbook

Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) play an important role in Missouri’s health care coverage. Learn more about who qualifies for Medicaid coverage, how it is financed, and how Medicaid impacts Missourians’ health in the 2020 Chartbook.
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Expiring Federal Relief, Delayed Tax Deadline Drive Missouri General Revenue Growth: Outlook Less Rosy Than It Appears

At first glance, it seems like Missouri’s state general revenue has fared well through the pandemic. However, much of state revenue growth can be attributed to Missouri’s delayed tax deadline and earlier federal COVID relief that is now expiring. Assessed in the context of these
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