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Working Families tax credit

Improving Missouri’s Working Families Tax Credit

In Missouri, working families with low wages generally pay a higher share of their income in state and local taxes than do the highest earners. Improving the state’s working families tax credit would make Missouri’s tax structure more fair, further incentivize work,
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Improving Missouri’s Working Families Tax Credit

Working families with low-wages may earn too little money to owe income taxes, but they contribute significant portions of their income to state general revenue in sales and property taxes. In fact, in Missouri, the lower your earnings, the more you pay in state and local taxes
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Analysis of Tax Provisions in Senate Bill 153

Both the House and Senate versions of Senate Bill 153 address a tax loophole known as the “Wayfair Fix,” but other tax changes included in the bills would have far different impacts on Missouri taxpayers. Specifically, SB 153 as perfected by the Senate, would provide a boost to
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