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medicaid expansion

Medicaid Expansion Will Help Missouri’s Uninsured Workers

More than 230,000 uninsured Missourians will gain health insurance through Medicaid expansion. Thanks to our partners at Georgetown University Center for Children and Families, we know that 49 percent of those working without insurance are employed in the hospitality, retail, and
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Medicaid Expansion is Good for Kids

While Medicaid expansion was created to provide uninsured adults access to health coverage, it greatly benefits children too. Expansion has been shown to increase kids’ coverage, improve children’s health, and foster families’ economic stability – helping children thrive both now
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“Enhanced” Federal Medicaid Funding: An Explainer

MO HealthNet – Missouri’s Medicaid program – is funded jointly by the federal and state governments. The amount of the federal share, or the FMAP (Federal Medical Assistance Percentage), is currently 65% in Missouri. The federal government has temporarily increased
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Medicaid Expansion Saves State General Revenue in FY 2022

Savings & Revenue Growth Increase Over Time States that were early adopters of Medicaid expansion have demonstrated the state budget savings and increased revenue that can result from expanding Medicaid eligibility. While Governor Parson’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2022
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“Enhanced” Federal Medicaid Funding: An Explainer

MO HealthNet – Missouri’s Medicaid program – is funded jointly by the federal and state governments. The amount of the federal share is often referred to as the FMAP (Federal Medical Assistance Percentage). Both the current public health emergency (PHE) and the
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MBP Reacts to 2021 State of the State

This afternoon, Governor Parson laid out his budget priorities for the state budget year that begins July 1, 2021. MBP will analyze the specifics of the proposal in the coming days, but we are pleased that in his address, Governor Parson: Emphasized the need to level the playing
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