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Build a Strong Economy by Investing in Human Capital

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Missourians want to provide for their families – to put a roof over their heads and a warm supper on the table, and to offer comfort for their parents as they age and a better future for their kids.

Although by several measures Missouri’s economy has improved, many Missouri families feel left out of the economic recovery.human-capital

Quality public education offers all Missouri kids the tools they need today to become the creators, leaders, and entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

Fulfilling the state’s promised school funding will get all our kids off to a good start, no matter what their zip code.

Access quality, affordable childcare gives parents the stability they need to be successful at work, while preparing the next generation to enter school ready to learn.

Continuing to strengthen income eligibility guidelines for child care assistance and improving Missouri’s
payment structure for child care providers will bolster access to quality early education and boost the ability of families to succeed.

A strong public health infrastructure and access to health and mental health care keeps Missourians healthier throughout their lives, and more productive at work and school.

Rebuilding the state’s public health infrastructure and protecting health insurance are critical to the state’s growth.

Workforce training and development give workers the tools they need to adapt their skills to rapidly changing technology and economic environments.


The Bottom Line: Investing in human capital through quality education, access to child care, public health infrastructure and health insurance, and workforce training and development will pave the way to better jobs and a stronger economy.

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