Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.


Interactive Map: EITC by County

The following map shows EITC rates by County or Senate and House districts. While not all those eligible for the federal credit would be eligible for a state version, it gives an idea of EITC usage across Missouri. Please be patient while the interactive map loads. Federal Earned
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Protected: Education funding

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RYH4K St. Louis Event

On October 8th, Raise Your Hands for Kids is hosting Revitalizing Our Region, where attendees can learn more about Amendment 3, the early childhood health and education amendment. For more details and to RSVP, click the link to the event brochure below. Revitalizing Our Region
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FY 2017 Budget Conference Materials

Budget Conferees Open Budget Language Conference Worksheets Detailing Discrepancies Between House & Senate Budget Recommendations
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Senate Approps Update: HB 2010 (Health/Mental Health)

While the Senate Appropriations Committee has not yet passed the bill, it has so far made the following changes to HB 2010:   DSH Transfer While the House recommended $48,858,000 for the DSH Transfer, the Senate agreed with the Governor’s Recommendation of $50,000,000.
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How Has the EITC Helped You?

Legislators may consider enacting a state-level Earned Income Tax Credit. To help them understand how the EITC can help working Missourians trying to make ends meet, MBP is collecting stories about Missourians helped by the federal EITC. If you’ve benefited from the EITC,
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Does your small business have a story to share?

Missouri businesses are responsible for collecting sales taxes on their products and remitting to the state. However, while taxes are owed on products purchased online or by catalog from out-of-state retailers, those sellers have no responsibility for collecting them. The passage
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EITC Endorsement

The federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) has proven to be one of the most effective measures in reducing poverty. An EITC boosts local economies while improving long-term health and economic for working families. Twenty-six states and the District of Columbia have state EITCs
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SST Endorsement

Legislation to enact the Streamlined Sales Tax Collections Mechanism for Missouri has been introduced by Senator Wayne Wallingford (R-District 27).  Senate Bill 795 would level the playing field for local businesses, while making more state revenue available for all public
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State of State Prep: Health & Education

We previously provided some context as to how the revenue Missouri has to invest in the health and education of its residents compares to the revenue available in decades past. Today, MBP provides a few data points on these specific issues. Further details can be found in our
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