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State Tax Policy

State GR Trends Show Caution Needed on Tax Changes

Download the PDF Despite a growing economy and low unemployment, state general revenue has dropped significantly, hindering the ability of Missouri to invest in the resources our communities need to prosper. State revenue trends generally reflect economic indicators. However,
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Senate Rushes to Approve Unfair & Irresponsible Tax Bill

Follow the Missouri Budget Project on Facebook  and Twitter for the latest updates After only 30 minutes of debate, on Wednesday the Missouri Senate gave preliminary approval for a tax bill that will give big cuts to the wealthy and corporations while leaving our communities
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Sales Taxes on Groceries & the Importance of a Refundable EITC

Download the Full PDF A state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), like the recently proposed Missouri Working Families Credit, could benefit as many as 515,000 working families with modest wages, providing hardworking families the ability to achieve a better future and a pathway to
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The Case for Decoupling: How Federal Tax Changes May Impact Missouri Revenue

Download the Full PDF A number of provisions included in the recently passed federal tax law will affect state revenue collections because of the way state and federal tax laws interact. While most of these implications are clear, the way that Missouri’s state personal exemption
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Senate Tax Bills Provide Unfair Giveaways, Leave Communities Reeling

Download the Full PDF The Missouri Senate Ways & Means Committee is considering two bills that would dramatically alter Missouri’s tax code, beginning in 2019. While the bills contain a few good provisions that the Missouri Budget Project supports, those features pale in
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Interactive Map: EITC by County

The following map shows EITC rates by County or Senate and House districts. While not all those eligible for the federal credit would be eligible for a state version, it gives an idea of EITC usage across Missouri. Please be patient while the interactive map loads. Federal Earned
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Building a Prosperous Missouri & A Strong Middle Class: A Policy Framework

Download Full Policy Framework (PDF) Missourians work hard every day to provide a better life for their families. In small towns, suburban neighborhoods, and urban centers across the state, many families are struggling to make ends meet. Some are rushing to get kids to school
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Timely Filing Discount Costs Missourians Millions

Download the PDF Version Although Missouri struggles every year to adequately fund our schools, roads, and other services that provide the foundation for our state’s economic growth, it offers some of the most generous tax benefits in the nation to corporations. For example,
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State EITC: Reduce Poverty, Boost Local Economies,& Encourage Work

A prosperous Missouri requires a strong middle class, with the ability for families that work hard to achieve a better future. A state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is one of the best ways Missouri can help all working families – even those in low-paying jobs — have the
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Tax Issues on the November Ballot

Voters will decide on several tax issues on the November ballot. MBP’s positions are as follows. More information on each issue is below. MBP supports: Amendment 1 – Parks, Soil, & Water Sales Tax Amendment 3 – Cigarette Tax Increase for Early Education
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