Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

Recent Publications

Property Tax Relief for Older Adults in Missouri

Executive Summary Increasing housing values and associated property taxes can have a devastating impact on older adults in Missouri. In many cases, older people may end up being “priced-out” of the home they have lived in for decades and face being separated from their neighbors
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Federal COVID Relief is Driving the State’s Economy and Budget “Surplus”

Missouri ended calendar year 2021 with $11.2 billion in the bank – an extraordinary amount. Although much of the balance is federal funding or earmarked state funds, $2.8 billion of the total was state general revenue. By comparison, that amount was nearly six times the
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Targeted Investments of American Rescue Plan Funding Can Build a Stronger Missouri for Generations to Come

Every Missourian deserves the opportunity to thrive, with quality housing they can afford, a job that lets them provide for their families, and a strong community that offers access to a 21st century education and quality health care and recreational facilities – all the
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Failure to Renew Medicaid Provider Taxes Would Be Devastating for Missourians

Failure to renew the state’s Medicaid provider taxes would not only cost Missouri the funding associated with those taxes and their corresponding federal Medicaid match, but could also put up to $5.7 billion in additional federal dollars from the American Rescue Plan at risk.
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Child Care Assistance Funds in the American Rescue Plan

Child care providers across Missouri have faced unprecedented financial and logistical challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, leading many to close temporarily or permanently. Without additional fiscal support, many Missouri children & families could be left without
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Missouri’s Child Care Assistance Program Primer

Access to high quality, affordable childcare not only creates a solid foundation for children to thrive but is also an essential component of developing a strong workforce. The Missouri Child Care Assistance Program offsets the costs of childcare for working families with low
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TANF Emergency Pandemic Assistance

The American Rescue Plan (ARP), signed into law March 11th, includes $1 billion dollars in Pandemic Emergency Assistance (PEA) funds that can be used to help families with the lowest incomes address immediate hardship or cover additional expenses related to the pandemic. Over
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TANF Chartbook 2021

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) cash assistance is designed to help lift families and children out of poverty. What’s more, boosting the income of families with low wages has been shown to improve children’s academic performance, as well as economic and
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Analysis of Tax Provisions in Senate Bill 153

Both the House and Senate versions of Senate Bill 153 address a tax loophole known as the “Wayfair Fix,” but other tax changes included in the bills would have far different impacts on Missouri taxpayers. Specifically, SB 153 as perfected by the Senate, would provide a boost to
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Medicaid Expansion is Good for Kids

While Medicaid expansion was created to provide uninsured adults access to health coverage, it greatly benefits children too. Expansion has been shown to increase kids’ coverage, improve children’s health, and foster families’ economic stability – helping children thrive both now
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