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Missouri Budget

Missouri General Revenue Collections Continue Sharp Decline in February 2010

Missouri’s general revenue collections, after refunds, fell by 14.6 percent in February, resulting in a 12.7 percent decline for the first eight months of fiscal year 2010 overall. Click here to read the full report.
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Presentation on the State of the Missouri Budget

This presentation provides an overview of the state of Missouri’s budget and the structural causes of the state’s budget struggles. 
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Special Report on Missouri’s Budget

Governor Nixon recently estimated that about $500 mil needs to be cut from the budget he proposed in January.  Click here to read an analysis of how this impact Missouri. 
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Enacting the Streamlined Sales Tax Would Benefit Missouri

Enacting the streamlined sales tax will help keep Missouri businesses competitive, provide the state with much-need funds and modernize our revenue structure.  Click here to learn more about this proposal. 
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Please join us for a special discussion on the Missouri Budget, Thursday, March 11th in Springfield

Click here to learn more about a special discussion on Missouri’s budget situation, and opportunities to move the state forward, March 11th in Springfield. 
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The Making of the FY2011 Budget: Missouri House Appropriations Committee acts to approve hurtful cuts

On February 16, 2010 the Missouri House Appropriations Committee for Health, Mental Health and Social Services marked up House Bills 2010 and 2011, the appropriation bills for the Departments of Health & Senior Services, Mental Health and Social Services. Two large amendments
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New State Bonding Proposal Must Have Thorough Review

House Joint Resolution (HJR) 77 currently being debated in the Missouri Legislature would allow Missouri to increase bonds for much needed capital improvement projects by $800 million. However, the issue must be evaluated in the overall context of the Missouri state budget
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Summary of Governor Nixon’s Proposed Budget

Governor Nixon delivered his State of the State address on January 20. He outlined his priorities and released his proposed budget. Click here to view a summary of the Governor’s budget request.
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Governor Announces an Additional $203.7 Million in Restrictions to Balance the Budget

Click here to read a summary of the budget restrictions announced by the Governor on October 28, 2009.
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Missouri General Revenue Declines by 10 Percent in First Quarter FY 2010

State Revenue dropped drastically in the first quarter of the fiscal year. Without the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding Missouri would be facing a major budget crisis in the current year. Revenue drop calls for further Federal Stimulus funds for the State in
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