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Featured State Revenue

State Revenue Bottoms Out: The Impact of Years of Tax Cuts & Ongoing Implementation

Contrary to the extraordinary growth of general revenue in recent years, state revenue is stagnating, which will result in difficult budget decisions in future years. The fluctuations in state revenue are a result of overlapping factors. Specifically, federal COVID funding has
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How Missouri Taxes & Revenue Compare to Other States

A number of tax changes made over the last three decades have resulted in an inadequate, upside-down tax system where low- and middle-income Missourians pay a higher share of their income in taxes than the richest Missourians, and out-of-state corporations pay less than their
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Missouri General Revenue: Limping Into the New Year

Tax Changes Leave State Unable to Meet Inflationary Costs Recently announced growth in Missouri’s state general revenue collections may be misleading because the growth is based on a comparison to very weak collections in the prior year. Taking a more comprehensive view shows
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Higher than Expected Revenue Growth Could Benefit Missourians

Download the PDF Higher than expected state general revenue growth could result in more than $200 million in additional revenue than anticipated, allowing Missouri to restore cuts to prescription assistance for seniors and home care for people with disabilities. While general
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State GR Trends Show Caution Needed on Tax Changes

Download the PDF Despite a growing economy and low unemployment, state general revenue has dropped significantly, hindering the ability of Missouri to invest in the resources our communities need to prosper. State revenue trends generally reflect economic indicators. However,
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Budget Shortfall of Nearly $240 Million Expected in FY 2019

Based on the recently agreed to Consensus Revenue Estimate,the Missouri Budget Project estimates a $238.8 million shortfall in fiscal year 2019.* Click Here to Download PDF Version FY 2018 The revised FY 2018 Consensus Revenue Estimate (CRE) calls for general revenue collections
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MO Faces Additional Cuts to Services in FYs 2017 & 2018

Download the PDF Due to a substantial decline in corporate income tax revenue, Missouri will likely need to cut public services by an additional $200 to $250 million before the end of the fiscal year in June. These cuts are on top of the almost $200 million already restricted for
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MO May See Additional Budget Shortfalls in FYs 2017 & 2018

A stunning state revenue collapse in the final days of the last fiscal year (FY2016, which ended on June 30th) may continue to hamper Missouri’s ability to meet the educational, health, and other needs of Missourians. Decreased revenue in the month of June prompted the Governor
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Recommendations for a More Prosperous Missouri: Invest in Missouri

Investing in Missouri: Creating a Better Future for Our Families   By enacting these two measures, Missouri’s lawmakers could dramatically strengthen state services and lay the foundation for a more prosperous Missouri in 2016.   Expand Medicaid Eligibility to Improve the
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General Revenue Growth Insufficient for Current Budget

This week the Missouri Office of Administration released the details of the state’s general revenue tax collections in February and for the fiscal year from July 1 through February. As of the end of February, the amount of revenue for the year to date has grown by 4.9 percent
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