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Featured Economic

Federal Safety Net Services: Missouri Fact Sheets

Safety net services serve thousands of Missourians struggling to meet basic needs each year. Many of these services are federally funded in whole or in part. This series of fact sheets examines eligibility and enrollment for a variety of these services, including: Child Care
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Circuit Breaker Property Tax Credit Critical for Seniors, Missourians with Disabilities Across the State

Download the PDF Version The circuit breaker is a popular tax credit that helps Missouri seniors and people with disabilities with fixed incomes to stay in their homes by offsetting costs related to property taxes. State  lawmakers are considering House Committee Bill 3, which
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Building a Prosperous Missouri & A Strong Middle Class: A Policy Framework

Download Full Policy Framework (PDF) Missourians work hard every day to provide a better life for their families. In small towns, suburban neighborhoods, and urban centers across the state, many families are struggling to make ends meet. Some are rushing to get kids to school
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A Missouri Earned Income Tax Credit: Helping to Pave the Way to the Middle Class

EITC Boosts Families, Strengthens Local Economies Download the PDF Version of this Report A prosperous Missouri requires a strong middle class, with the ability for families that work hard to achieve a better future. A state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is one of the best ways
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Earned Income Tax Credit: The Basics

A Missouri EITC would boost local communities and economies while encouraging work, enhancing take-home pay, and improving long-term health and economic outcomes for more than 500,000 Missouri families. Earned Income Tax Credits:Targeted Tax Credits with Significant Impact (EITC)
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State Earned Income Tax Credit Would Benefit Missouri

Earned Income Tax Credits (EITCs) encourage work, enhance take-home pay, improve health & economic outcomes, and have lasting benefits. Proposals to create a state-level EITC would build on these benefits of the federal EITC for more than 500,000 Missouri families. Click here
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EITC: A Targeted Tax Change with Significant Impact

An Earned Income Tax Credit helps families, encourages work, improves educational outcomes, and has lasting economic benefits.  Learn more from Amy Blouin’s testimony before the House Ways & Means Committee on HB 1120, which would create a state EITC.
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