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Coronavirus Response Updates

Summary of House-Passed ARPA Spending Bill

The Missouri House approved its version of the state budget bills this week, including a plan for spending the $2.68 billion in state aid provided through the federal American Rescue Plan (ARPA). Missouri policymakers must obligate these funds by the end of 2024 and spent them by
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Targeted Investments of American Rescue Plan Funding Can Build a Stronger Missouri for Generations to Come

Every Missourian deserves the opportunity to thrive, with quality housing they can afford, a job that lets them provide for their families, and a strong community that offers access to a 21st century education and quality health care and recreational facilities – all the
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Child Care Assistance Funds in the American Rescue Plan

Child care providers across Missouri have faced unprecedented financial and logistical challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, leading many to close temporarily or permanently. Without additional fiscal support, many Missouri children & families could be left without
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TANF Emergency Pandemic Assistance

The American Rescue Plan (ARP), signed into law March 11th, includes $1 billion dollars in Pandemic Emergency Assistance (PEA) funds that can be used to help families with the lowest incomes address immediate hardship or cover additional expenses related to the pandemic. Over
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“Enhanced” Federal Medicaid Funding: An Explainer

MO HealthNet – Missouri’s Medicaid program – is funded jointly by the federal and state governments. The amount of the federal share, or the FMAP (Federal Medical Assistance Percentage), is currently 65% in Missouri. The federal government has temporarily increased
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American Rescue Plan: Direct Assistance for Missourians

The American Rescue Plan (ARP), approved by Congress and signed into law this week, will provide $1.9 trillion to counteract economic declines related to the Coronavirus pandemic. The bill provides significant direct economic relief for Missourians including: Additional stimulus
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American Rescue Plan: State & Local Fiscal Relief Fact Sheet

The American Rescue Plan provides a total of $360 billion in fiscal aid to state, local, and tribal governments to address increased costs and lost revenue related to the pandemic. Missouri’s estimated state & local relief aid is projected to total more than $5.4 billion,
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American Rescue Plan: State & Local Funding for Missouri

The American Rescue Plan (ARP), approved by Congress and expected to be signed into law this week, will provide $1.9 trillion to counteract economic declines related to the Coronavirus pandemic. In addition to direct economic relief for individuals, families, & small
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American Rescue Plan: County Allocations

The map below shows the projected fiscal aid for counties. To learn more about the state & local fiscal relief included in the American Rescue Act, view MBP’s fact sheet. To learn more about other important provisions of the American Rescue Plan that help state &
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American Rescue Plan: Local Government Allocations

The American Rescue Plan provides a total of $360 billion in fiscal aid to state, local, and tribal governments to address increased costs and lost revenue related to the pandemic. Missouri’s estimated state & local relief funding is a total of $5.3 billion, including
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