Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

Federal Safety Net Services: Missouri Fact Sheets

Safety net services serve thousands of Missourians struggling to meet basic needs each year. Many of these services are federally funded in whole or in part. This series of fact sheets examines eligibility and enrollment for a variety of these services, including: Child Care
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Federally Funded Child Care Assistance in Missouri

In FY2018, Missouri will receive nearly $37.9 million in federal TANF funding and an additional $103 million in other federal funding, including the Child Care Development Fund Block Grant. The federal funds maximize the ability of MO to invest in child care for working families
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Budget Basics: K-12 Education

This primer is intended to serve as a guide for Missourians who care about K-12 education programs, and increase the transparency of the budget by providing information on where key programs can be found in the budget bills. Download the PDF Version
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Introduction to Missouri’s State Budget (2018)

The Missouri Budget Project’s “Introduction to Missouri’s State Budget” outlines Missouri’s budget process, including where the state’s revenue comes from and how the state allocates funding. Download the PDF Version
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Press Release: Senate Tax Bills Provide Unfair Giveaways to Wealthiest, Leave Communities Reeling

For Immediate Release:  January 16, 2018 Contact: Traci Gleason, Director of Communications The Missouri Budget Project released an analysis today showing that bills being considered by the Missouri Senate Ways & Means Committee will do little for most Missouri families, pass
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Senate Tax Bills Provide Unfair Giveaways, Leave Communities Reeling

Download the Full PDF The Missouri Senate Ways & Means Committee is considering two bills that would dramatically alter Missouri’s tax code, beginning in 2019. While the bills contain a few good provisions that the Missouri Budget Project supports, those features pale in
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Budget Shortfall of Nearly $240 Million Expected in FY 2019

Based on the recently agreed to Consensus Revenue Estimate,the Missouri Budget Project estimates a $238.8 million shortfall in fiscal year 2019.* Click Here to Download PDF Version FY 2018 The revised FY 2018 Consensus Revenue Estimate (CRE) calls for general revenue collections
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Tax Plan May Just Be First Step

Statement from Amy Blouin, Executive Director, Missouri Budget Project   Amy Blouin, Executive Director of the Missouri Budget Project, issued the following statement in response to today’s vote by the House of Representatives to pass its tax bill: “Despite claims to the
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Interactive Map: EITC by County

The following map shows EITC rates by County or Senate and House districts. While not all those eligible for the federal credit would be eligible for a state version, it gives an idea of EITC usage across Missouri. Please be patient while the interactive map loads. Federal Earned
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Senate Tax Bill Would Raise Taxes for Many Missourians, Especially in Rural, Poorer Counties

Download the PDF The United States Senate will soon consider a major revision of the U.S. tax code that would, by 2027, raise federal taxes on many low- and middle-income Missourians. In order to pay for permanent tax cuts for corporations, the bill would increase personal income
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