Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

Consequences of Proposals to Drastically Change Missouri’s Tax Structure

Several constitutional amendments that propose to eliminate personal and corporate income taxes and replace them with a greatly expanded sales tax have been introduced this year in the Missouri Legislature.  Click here to read a policy brief on these proposals.  Click
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Missouri Budget Project Statement on Substitute for SJR 29

Click here to read a statement from the Missouri Budget Project on the recently filed substitute to Senate Joint Resolution 29, which dramatically changes Missouri’s tax structure. 
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Decrease in Revenue Collections Speaks to Need for Balanced Approach, Not Further Budget Cuts

Governor Nixon, who has already made nearly $700 million in cuts, vetoes or withholds to the state’s budget for the current fiscal year – and included significant funding cuts in his proposed FY 2011 budget – announced that further budget cuts would be needed
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Enacting the Streamlined Sales Tax Would Benefit Missouri

Enacting the streamlined sales tax will help keep Missouri businesses competitive, provide the state with much-need funds and modernize our revenue structure.  Click here to learn more about this proposal. 
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Enacting the Streamlined Sales Tax Would Benefit Missouri

Enacting the streamlined sales tax will help keep Missouri businesses competitive, provide the state with much-need funds and modernize our revenue structure.  Click here to learn more about this proposal. 
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Legislation Strives to Reign in Abuses in Pay-Day Lending in Missouri

Missourians trapped in vulnerable financial situations are at risk of falling into the cycle of debt brought about by unrestricted payday lending. Click here to learn more about payday lending and why it is important for the Missouri Legislature to enact stricter regulations on
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2010 Legislative Updates

The Missouri Budget Project’s E-News Updates and Legislative Action Alerts provide timely information on what is happening in the Missouri Legislature and the U.S. Congress and how it will impact Missourians.  They also periodically include details on upcoming events
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Please join us for a special discussion on the Missouri Budget, Thursday, March 11th in Springfield

Click here to learn more about a special discussion on Missouri’s budget situation, and opportunities to move the state forward, March 11th in Springfield. 
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President Obama announces plan for comprehensive health care reform

On February 22 President Obama released his plan for comprehensive health care reform.  Click here to read a summary.
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President Obama announces plan for comprehensive health care reform

On February 22 President Obama released his plan for comprehensive health care reform.  Click here to read a summary.
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