Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

Impact of Massive Tax Cuts on Kansas Offer Warning to Missouri

As MO considers large tax cuts, a new report shows that following in Kansas’ footsteps is a bad idea. To learn more, click here.
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Press Release: MO Underfunding Schools by Average of $700 per Student

A new MBP analysis shows that Missouri is underfunding its schools in every part of the state by an average of $700 per student per year. "Missouri’s legislature should live up to the commitments it has made to our state’s students," said Amy Blouin.
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A Shaky Foundation: MO Underfunding the School Formula

MBP’s newest analysis shows that Missouri is shortchanging schools in every part of the state, by an average of $700 per student every year. By failing to invest properly in local K-12 schools, Missouri is undermining not only its commitment to public education, but its future
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Missouri Budget Primer

Every day, each Missourian is affected by the budget decisions made by the General Assembly.  But where does MO get its revenue? How is it spent? Check out our Missouri Budget Primer to learn more about the Missouri budget.
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House Approved Tax Schemes Would Damage Services, Disproportionately Benefit Highest Income Missourians

MBP’s latest analysis shows that two recently approved House tax cut schemes would require sharp cuts to services, prevent K-12 education from being fully funded, disproportionately benefit the wealthiest, but fail to create jobs.
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Nixon-Kraus Tax “Deal” Would Undercut MO Services, Including Education

According to recent analysis, the tax "deal" between Governor Nixon and Senator Kraus is skewed to benefit Missouri’s wealthiest families, and leaves all services vulnerable to cuts as a result of its $364-$500 million cost. 
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MBP Responds to Preliminary Nixon/Kraus Tax Cut Deal

MBP responds to reports of a tax cut deal between Governor Jay Nixon and Senator Will Kraus here, expressing concerns that it does not provide adequate protections for the critical services that strengthen our economy.
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There is No Surplus: MO Still Falling Short of Pre-Recession Funding

Despite improvements since the recession, Missouri is still falling short of the state’s pre-recession purchasing power and faces unment funding needs for education, mental health, and other critical services. Missouri cannot afford tax policies that would further reduce
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Revenue Dispute Impacts Budget Process

The inabililty of the legislature and Governor’s office to agree on expected revenue for the next budget year has created additional challenges as the legislature’s appropriations committees begin crafting a budget for FY2015.  MBP outlines the latest from the
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EITC: A Targeted Tax Change with Significant Impact

An Earned Income Tax Credit helps families, encourages work, improves educational outcomes, and has lasting economic benefits.  Learn more from Amy Blouin’s testimony before the House Ways & Means Committee on HB 1120, which would create a state EITC.
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