Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

FY 2015 Includes Critical Increases, But Funding Uncertain

The the fiscal year 2015 budget includes critical increases for many state services still recovering from recent year cuts.  However, weak general revenue in the current year and a plethora of special interest tax breaks passed the last day of session could jeopardize
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Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Contains Critical Increases for Public Services

Earlier this month, the Missouri General Assembly gave final approval to the state’s fiscal year 2015 (FY 2015) budget. While the $26.4 billion total funding included in the budget amounts to about a 3.4 percent increase compared to the previous year, these investments may be in
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State General Revenue Declines Sharply: Could Lead to Budget Reductions

General revenue collections fell 5 percent in April, and Missouri could end the fiscal year below estimates. What does this mean for next year’s budget? To read the complete article click here.
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MBP Statement on SB509 Veto Override

MBP issued this statement in response to the legislature overriding Governor Nixon’s veto of SB 509.
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MBP Response to House Passage of SB 509

Not only would SB 509 fail to create the good jobs MO needs, but it would undermine our future by making it harder to invest in MO’s human capital and the services and infrastructure that really do build our economy…We call on Governor Nixon to veto SB 509.  To
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House Ways & Means Committee Irresponsibly Rushes $799 Million Tax Cut

In a specially convened meeting, the House Ways & Means Committee passed SB 509, which would starve education, social services, and other services of $800 million annually when fully implemented. Click here for MBP’s full reaction to the bill.
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Medicaid Makes (Dollars &) Sense

Because the federal government would pick up many costs Missouri is already paying for its Medicaid services, expanding Medicaid would actually save the state money – more than $140 million initially, and more than $30 million annually in later years. Missouri cann
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Senate Passes $799 Million Tax Scheme Based on Failing Kansas Policies

 Missourians deserve better than empty promises. Click here to read MBP’s statement on the Senate’s approval of SB 509.
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Silvey Reform Plan – March 2014

Senator Ryan Silvey has distributed an outline for Medicaid and other entitlement reform.  Among many other provisions, the plan would expand Medicaid to 100% FPL and provide premium assistance for individuals from 100 to 138% FPL to purchase health insurance through the
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Senate-Approved Tax Scheme Would Cost Nearly $800 Million SB 509 Would Require Cuts to Critical Services

The Missouri Senate approved Senate Bill 509 this week. The measure would require sharp cuts to state services, undermining Missouri’s economy by starving it of the resources it needs to offer quality education from preschool to college, a state of the art infrastructure, and
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