Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

April 4, 2014

Silvey Reform Plan – March 2014

Senator Ryan Silvey has distributed an outline for Medicaid and other entitlement reform.  Among many other provisions, the plan would expand Medicaid to 100% FPL and provide premium assistance for individuals from 100 to 138% FPL to purchase health insurance through the
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Senate Passes $799 Million Tax Scheme Based on Failing Kansas Policies

 Missourians deserve better than empty promises. Click here to read MBP’s statement on the Senate’s approval of SB 509.
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Senate-Approved Tax Scheme Would Cost Nearly $800 Million SB 509 Would Require Cuts to Critical Services

The Missouri Senate approved Senate Bill 509 this week. The measure would require sharp cuts to state services, undermining Missouri’s economy by starving it of the resources it needs to offer quality education from preschool to college, a state of the art infrastructure, and
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