Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.


Budget Basics: Community Services for Seniors & People with Disabilities

This primer is intended to serve as a guide for Missourians who care about community services for Missouri’s seniors & people with disabilities, and increase the transparency of the budget by providing information on where key programs can be found in the budget bills.
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Budget Basics: Public Health & Nutrition

This primer is intended to serve as a guide for Missourians who care about programs affecting family economic security, and increase the transparency of the budget by providing information on where key programs can be found in the budget bills. View the 2021 Version View the 2020
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Budget Basics: Mental Health

This primer is intended to serve as a guide for Missourians who care about mental health programs, and increase the transparency of the budget by providing information on where key programs can be found in the budget bills. View the 2021 Version View the 2020 Version View the
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Budget Basics: Family & Economic Security

This primer is intended to serve as a guide for Missourians who care about programs affecting family economic security, and increase the transparency of the budget by providing information on where key programs can be found in the budget bills. View the 2021 Version View the 2020
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Budget Basics: K-12 Education

This primer is intended to serve as a guide for Missourians who care about K-12 education programs, and increase the transparency of the budget by providing information on where key programs can be found in the budget bills. View the 2021 Version View the 2020 Version View the
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Introduction to Missouri’s State Budget

The Missouri Budget Project’s “Introduction to Missouri’s State Budget” outlines Missouri’s budget process, including where the state’s revenue comes from and how the state allocates funding. View the 2021 Version View the 2020 Version View the 2019 Version
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Medicaid Work Reporting Requirements: A State Budget Buster

Proposals to amend the State Constitution to require some parents and other non-elderly adults to meet work reporting requirements in order to be eligible for Medicaid could cost Missouri more than $215 million a year in state general revenue to implement. Evidence from other
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Medicaid Expansion: A Good Deal for the State Budget

While counterintuitive, Medicaid expansion would result in more than $100 million in state general revenue savings and new revenue for the state of Missouri. This net increase in the general revenue budget would make funds available that could be used for other priorities,
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Missouri General Revenue: Limping Into the New Year

Tax Changes Leave State Unable to Meet Inflationary Costs Recently announced growth in Missouri’s state general revenue collections may be misleading because the growth is based on a comparison to very weak collections in the prior year. Taking a more comprehensive view shows
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Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program in MO: 2019 Chartbook

Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) play an important role in Missouri’s health care coverage. Learn more about who qualifies for Medicaid coverage, how it is financed, and how Medicaid impacts Missourians’ health in the 2019 Chartbook.
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