Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.


Build a Strong Economy by Investing in Human Capital

Download Build a Strong Economy by Investing in Human Capital (PDF) Missourians want to provide for their families – to put a roof over their heads and a warm supper on the table, and to offer comfort for their parents as they age and a better future for their kids. Although by
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Building a Prosperous Missouri & A Strong Middle Class: A Policy Framework

Download Full Policy Framework (PDF) Missourians work hard every day to provide a better life for their families. In small towns, suburban neighborhoods, and urban centers across the state, many families are struggling to make ends meet. Some are rushing to get kids to school
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Timely Filing Discount Costs Missourians Millions

Download the PDF Version Although Missouri struggles every year to adequately fund our schools, roads, and other services that provide the foundation for our state’s economic growth, it offers some of the most generous tax benefits in the nation to corporations. For example,
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Enact the Streamlined Sales Tax to Strengthen State Services & Level the Playing Field for MO Businesses

Download the PDF Version Why Streamlined is Important: Missouri tax laws have failed to keep pace with a changing economy, reducing the state’s ability to invest in the well-being of its citizens. In particular, Missouri and other states that rely on sales and use taxes to fund
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Earned Income Tax Credit: The Basics

A Missouri EITC would boost local communities and economies while encouraging work, enhancing take-home pay, and improving long-term health and economic outcomes for more than 500,000 Missouri families. Earned Income Tax Credits:Targeted Tax Credits with Significant Impact (EITC)
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Recommendations for a More Prosperous Missouri: Invest in Missouri

Investing in Missouri: Creating a Better Future for Our Families   By enacting these two measures, Missouri’s lawmakers could dramatically strengthen state services and lay the foundation for a more prosperous Missouri in 2016.   Expand Medicaid Eligibility to Improve the
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Investing in Healthy Families

Investing in Healthy Families Download PDF of Investing in Healthy Families A healthy Missouri means all Missouri families can get the health care they need. That sickness or chronic illnesses are caught early, rather than waiting for an emergency to hit. That employees can stay
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Investing in Our Students: K-12 Education

Investing in Our Students’ Futures  Download the PDF of Investing in Our Students Missourians want to give our children the best possible chance at success. We want our children to have quality public schools that start them off right towards pursuing their dreams.
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Investing in a Skilled Workforce

A well-educated workforce helps attract businesses. But too many Missourians still can’t get the education and training needed for a good-paying job. Read more about Missouri’s investments in a skilled workforce here.
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Investing in a Strong Start: Early Education

Investing in a Strong Start Download PDF of Investing in a Strong Start All Missouri children should start school ready to learn so they have the best possible shot at success. Quality early care and education foster the development of cognitive and social skills that are
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