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Recent Publications

SNAP Fact Sheet 2019

Download the 2019 SNAP Fact Sheet The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as food stamps, serves nearly 750,000 Missourians every year. Click here to learn more about eligibility and benefits, including SNAP usage by county.    
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SNAP Provides Critical Boost to Local Economies Throughout Missouri

Download the PDF Version The Supplemental Nutrition Program (SNAP) helps more than 750,000 Missourians afford the food they need to be healthy & productive members of their communities, while providing an extra $1.8 billion boost to our economy & businesses throughout our
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Changes to MO TANF Cash Assistance Result in 60% Decline in Children & Families Assisted

View/Download the Full Report Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) provides a modest cash benefit to Missouri families with children who earn less than $18,780 per year for a family of three. Unlike other safety net services, cash assistance allows families to pay for
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Missouri’s Circuit Breaker Property Tax Credit Assists Seniors & Missourians Living with Disabilities in Every District

Click Here to View the PDF Version The Circuit Breaker is a popular tax credit that helps seniors and Missourians living with disabilities who have fixed incomes to stay in their homes by offsetting costs related to property taxes. When the credit was established, lawmakers
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Increased Federal Funding Could Improve Missouri’s Child Care Assistance Program

View/Download the PDF Version Access to high quality, affordable childcare not only creates a solid foundation for children to thrive but is essential to developing a strong workforce. Yet many Missouri families have difficulty accessing child care because of its high cost or
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How Missouri Stacks Up: The State of Essential Services in Missouri Compared to Other States

Download the PDF Version Missouri’s Tax Structure is Unfair & Inadequate When Missourians have access to the resources that help them succeed in life, such as quality health care, education, and childcare, we are all stronger as communities, and as a state. Yet Missouri is
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Proposed SNAP Sanctions in SB 4 Would Cost Missouri, Harm Families

Download the Full Report In addition to causing nearly 40,000 Missouri families to lose critical SNAP food assistance, Senate Bill 4 would cost Missouri $90 million or more to provide work supports required by law. Missouri’s current employment & training program serves just
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Increasing MO’s Minimum Wage Would Help Working Families & Boost State Economy

Download the PDF Version Raising the minimum wage is a proven strategy to help working families make ends meet and spread prosperity by lifting more Missourians above poverty and into the middle class. Although across Missouri wages are slowly recovering from the recession, too
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“Right to Work” Could Lower Wages & Benefits for ALL Missourians

Download the PDF Version “Right to Work” (RTW) would reduce wages and benefits like health insurance coverage for all workers – both union and non-union. Because of its negative impact on the middle class and quality jobs, the Missouri Budget Project urges Missourians to vote NO
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Higher than Expected Revenue Growth Could Benefit Missourians

Download the PDF Higher than expected state general revenue growth could result in more than $200 million in additional revenue than anticipated, allowing Missouri to restore cuts to prescription assistance for seniors and home care for people with disabilities. While general
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