Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

Press Room

Legislature Misses Opportunities to Invest in Missouri’s Future

As the legislative session draws to a close, we are disheartened that Missouri’s elected officials failed to enact common sense revenue reforms that will enable the state to maintain its commitments to Missourians.  To read the rest of MBP’s statement on the end
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Budget May Have Passed, But There is Still Time for Responsible Leadership

The budget may have passed through the legislature, but there is still time for policymakers to enact balanced solutions that include new revenue, protecting the services that all Missourians rely on and improving our economy both now and in the future. To read MBP’s full
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Proposal to Cap State Spending Would Damage Missouri’s Economy

The Missouri House of Representatives passed a proposal to cap state spending that would damage Missouri’s economy and its ability to create jobs and fund critical services.  To read the full Missouri Budget Project press release, click here.
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Governor’s Budget Harms Missouri’s Economic Outlook

By relying on a cuts-only approach to the state’s budget crisis, the Governor’s budget proposal will make it harder for students to get the quality education they need to compete in the global economy and for Missouri to attract jobs to our state. To read Missouri
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Press Release: Missouri Faces $800 Million Budget Shortfall in FY 2013

The state of Missouri will face a budget shortfall nearing $800 million in FY 2013, making it more difficult than ever for the state to make vital investments to create jobs and boost our economy, according to a new analysis. The shortfall is more than $300 million more than
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Press Release: Missouri Faces $800 Million Budget Shortfall in FY 2013

The state of Missouri will face a budget shortfall nearing $800 million in FY 2013, making it more difficult than ever for the state to make vital investments to create jobs and boost our economy, according to a new analysis. The shortfall is more than $300 million more than
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Report Shows Need to Reform Outdated Income Tax Structure

A new national report found that Missouri was one of only a few states that tax working poor families below the poverty threshold, emphasizing the need to carefully reform its outdated income tax structure. To read the full Missouri Budget Project press release on the issue,
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New Census Data: Missourians Struggle in Face of Economic Decline

New census data highlights the increase in poverty and the plight of Missouri’s middle class following the economic recession. As families struggle to make ends meet and provide for their children, government services have kept even more Missourians from falling into
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Senate Protects Critical Tax Credit for More than 105,000 Low-Income Missourians

The Missouri Senate rejected a provision that would eliminate more than 105,000 low-income seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities from eligibility for a modest tax credit that is critical to keeping them in their homes. To learn more about the credit and the vote to
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Senate Protects Critical Tax Credit for More than 105,000 Low-Income Missourians

The Missouri Senate rejected a provision that would eliminate more than 105,000 low-income seniors, veterans, and people with disabilities from eligibility for a modest tax credit that is critical to keeping them in their homes. To learn more about the credit and the vote to
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