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Press Room

Bonding Proposals Promising If New Repayment Revenue Source Identified

"With extraordinarily low interest rates, significant infrastructure needs, and modest additional debt service costs, it may be time for Missouri to consider a new bond effort," said Amy Blouin, Executive Director of the MIssouri Budget Project. "However, because
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Bonding Proposals Promising If New Repayment Revenue Source Identified

"With extraordinarily low interest rates, significant infrastructure needs, and modest additional debt service costs, it may be time for Missouri to consider a new bond effort," said Amy Blouin, Executive Director of the MIssouri Budget Project. "However, because
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Medicaid Expansion Would Have Most Significant Impact in Rural Missouri

A Missouri Medicaid expansion would reduce the state’s uninsured by more than one-fourth, bringing an estimated $1.56 billion in new health care funding to the state and providing coverage for roughly 267,000 Missourians. The expansion would have the most dramatic impact in
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Medicaid Expansion Would Have Most Significant Impact in Rural Missouri

A Missouri Medicaid expansion would reduce the state’s uninsured by more than one-fourth, bringing an estimated $1.56 billion in new health care funding to the state and providing coverage for roughly 267,000 Missourians. The expansion would have the most dramatic impact in
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Missouri Ranks among Worst States for Growing Income Inequality

The gap between the incomes of Missouri’s richest households and middle-income households had the 7th largest increase in the nation,according to a new report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Economic Policy Institute. Growing income inequality in
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Missouri Ranks among Worst States for Growing Income Inequality

The gap between the incomes of Missouri’s richest households and middle-income households had the 7th largest increase in the nation,according to a new report by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Economic Policy Institute. Growing income inequality in
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Reducing Federal Deficits Without Significant Revenue Would Cost Missouri Billions

Tackling the federal budget deficit without significant new revenue could cost Missouri more than $3.4 billion between 2013 and 2021, damaging ecoomic recovery and future growth by drastically cutting federal investments in schools, roads & bridges, safe communities, and
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Reducing Federal Deficits Without Significant Revenue Would Cost Missouri Billions

Tackling the federal budget deficit without significant new revenue could cost Missouri more than $3.4 billion between 2013 and 2021, damaging ecoomic recovery and future growth by drastically cutting federal investments in schools, roads & bridges, safe communities, and
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Final State Budget Weakens MO’s Physical, Economic Infrastructure

The budget bills signed this week by the Governor demonstrate the clear need for Missouri to enact revenue measures that will protect and strengthen the assets that we all rely on for the foundation of our quality of life.  Click here to continue reading the full Missouri
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Governor Nixon Should Sign Change in Vehicle Sales Tax

The Missouri legislature passed a bill clarifying sales tax law concerning vehicles purchased out-of-state.  Although Governor Nixon has expressed concerns in a statement released by his office, the Missouri Budget Project urges the Governor to sign the legislation. 
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