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Missouri Budget

Extreme Tax Proposal Will Undermine MO Economy

The tax cuts passed today by the Senate Ways & Means Committee will slash the state’s general revenue budget by nearly one-fourth, resulting in devastating cuts to services throughout the state. Instead of spurring the economy, the proposal will severely undermine
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Medicaid Expansion Would Save MO Money

Missouri has the opportunity to reduce its uninsured by one-fourth and provide health care coverage to about 267,000 Missourians while actually increasing state general revenue available to fund a variety of other services.  To learn more about the cost savings involved in
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Circuit Breaker Cut Would Harm Missouri

The provision included in the Governor’s budget proposal to eliminate the circuit breaker property tax credit for renters would make it more difficult for more than 104,000 low income Missouri seniors and people living with disabilities to stay in their homes by increasing
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Bonding Proposals Show Promise

With significant infrastructure needs and extraordinarily low borrowing costs, it may be time for MIssouri to consider new bonding proposals.  However, to protect ongoing investments including education, public safety, and social services, lawmakers should also approve a new
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Cutting to the Chase

Missouri’s investment in public services has eroded as multiple years of revenue declines have resulted in significant cuts to core services, particularly in education and health care. Historical data indicates that Missouri’s state general revenue spending, as a
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State General Revenue Inching Up in FY 2013

Missouri general revenue collections for fiscal year 2013 grew by 2.8 percent in August. However, corporate income and individual income tax have had slight declines compared to the previous year. Missouri revenue remains well below the level achieved prior to the recession. Read
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Stabilizing Missouri’s Road Funding

The Missouri Department of Transportation faces a steep decline in revenue at the same time that need is increasing dramatically. While there are no easy solutions to this crisis, the Missouri Budget Project evaluates potential solutions in this new report.
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FY 2013 Budget Relies on Risky Assumptions

Although the FY13 budget is technically balanced, it relies on budgeting maneuvers and optimistic assumptions. As a result, Missouri’s FY 2013 budget may not truly be fully funded, which may necessitate $150 – $200 million in mid-year budget reductions.  For more
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Budget May Have Passed, But There is Still Time for Responsible Leadership

The budget may have passed through the legislature, but there is still time for policymakers to enact balanced solutions that include new revenue, protecting the services that all Missourians rely on and improving our economy both now and in the future. To read MBP’s full
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FY 2013 Budget Conference Committee “Cheat Sheet”

Both legislative chambers have approved their versions of the state’s FY 2013 operating budget, and the conference committee will begin meeting at any time to negotiate the differences between the budget bills.  For an explanation of the major differences that need to
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