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Featured State Tax Policy

State EITC: Reduce Poverty, Boost Local Economies,& Encourage Work

A prosperous Missouri requires a strong middle class, with the ability for families that work hard to achieve a better future. A state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is one of the best ways Missouri can help all working families – even those in low-paying jobs — have the
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New Census Data Underscores Need for Missouri Earned Income Tax Credit

Statement from Amy Blouin, Missouri Budget Project Executive Director More than one in five Missouri kids are growing up in families that can’t afford the basics necessary for a good start to life because they make so little. Although poverty slightly declined since the previous
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Recommendations for a More Prosperous Missouri: Invest in Missouri

Investing in Missouri: Creating a Better Future for Our Families   By enacting these two measures, Missouri’s lawmakers could dramatically strengthen state services and lay the foundation for a more prosperous Missouri in 2016.   Expand Medicaid Eligibility to Improve the
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State Earned Income Tax Credit Would Benefit Missouri

Earned Income Tax Credits (EITCs) encourage work, enhance take-home pay, improve health & economic outcomes, and have lasting benefits. Proposals to create a state-level EITC would build on these benefits of the federal EITC for more than 500,000 Missouri families. Click here
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Tax Cuts Fling Missouri Toward Massive Budget Cliff

Despite the release of many gubernatorial budget restrictions, weak state general revenue collections continue to require reduced funding in the current year. However, Missouri’s current budget challenges are just the beginning of a massive, self-imposed fiscal cliff
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Missouri Revenue: Digging Out from a Hole, Only to Go Over a Tax Cut Cliff

Recent spending restrictions are just the beginning of a steep fiscal cliff for Missouri as a result of tax cuts passed in the 2014 legislative session. To maintain FY2014 services and fully fund education, Missouri would face a more than $2 billion shortfall when tax cuts are
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Senate-Approved Tax Scheme Would Cost Nearly $800 Million SB 509 Would Require Cuts to Critical Services

The Missouri Senate approved Senate Bill 509 this week. The measure would require sharp cuts to state services, undermining Missouri’s economy by starving it of the resources it needs to offer quality education from preschool to college, a state of the art infrastructure, and
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Tax Proposals Before Senate Ways & Means Would Dramatically Reduce State Revenue, Disporportionately Benefit Wealthiest, But Not Create Jobs

The Missouri Senate Ways & Means Committee will hear three major tax bills this week. Though they differ in their components, each would drastically reduce state revenue, disproportionately benefit Missourians with the highest incomes, and fail to create jobs. Click here for
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