Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

Governor Nixon Announces Over $300 Million in Further FY2011 Budget Cuts

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon today announced an additional $301.4 million in budget cuts for fiscal year 2011 (FY 2011), which begins on July 1, 2010.  These significant cuts come at a time when the Governor has announced his interest in holding a special legislative session
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Special Session Could Pit Perks for Major Company Against State Employees̢

Governor Nixon is considering a special legislative session to pass a bill to offer Ford Motor Company $150 million in tax incentives.  The state would “pay for” the incentives through significant cuts to pension benefits for state employees. While $150 million
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Missouri Budget Project Statement on Proposed Special Legislative Session

Two proposals up for consideration during a special legislative session of the Missouri General Assembly would expand spending on tax incentives for Ford Motor Company by $10 million per year and ‘pay for’ this increase through significant cuts to pension benefits for
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Strengthening Resources for a Better Missouri

This updated presentation provides an overview of the state of Missouri’s budget and options for strengthening the resources available for investing in the services and infrastructure that benefit all Missourians. June 2010
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20 Ways in 20 Days

Cuts hurt! Balancing the budget by only cutting services means pain for Missouri’s children, parents, seniors – all of us. For the next 20 days, prior to the deadline for Governor Nixon to sign the FY 2011 budget passed by the Missouri legislature, we will look at 20
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Strengthening Resources for a Better Missouri

This updated presentation provides an overview of the state of Missouri’s budget and options for strengthening the resources available for investing in the services and infrastructure that benefit all Missourians. June 2010
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The Clock is Ticking: Health Care Reform Begins This Year

The federal health care bills signed in March 2010 will begin to fix much of what is wrong with the current health care system. Of course, it cannot all happen at one time. Click here to read a short summary that shows when some of the important changes began and when others will
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The Clock is Ticking: Health Care Reform Begins This Year

The federal health care bills signed in March 2010 will begin to fix much of what is wrong with the current health care system. Of course, it cannot all happen at one time. Click here to read a short summary that shows when some of the important changes began and when others will
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Targeting Scarce Resources: Congress has Critical Opportunity to Boost the Economy and Reduce the Deficit

Significant changes were made to federal tax policy in 2001 and 2003.  Click here to read a new report on why the tax cuts targeted at middle- and low-income families should be made permanent and that the tax cuts for the high-income taxpayers be allowed to expire on schedule.
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Congress has Critical Opportunity to Extend Targeted ARRA Tax Changes That Most Help Missouri Families

Click here to read a new report on how extending changes to the federal  Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit will help Missouri’s working families. 
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