Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

National Report: Poorest Missourians Pay Nearly Twice the Effective Tax Rate as the Wealthiest

According to a new report by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy, Missouri takes a much larger share of income from low- and middle-income families than it does from the wealthiest.  To see a summary of Missouri’s standing, click here.  For the full
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Poorest Missourians Pay Nearly Twice the Effecive Tax Rate of Wealthiest

Considering all state and local income, property, sales, and excise taxes Missourians pay, the poorest Missourians pay substantially higher effective tax rates than the wealthiest.  "Proposed tax cuts being debated in the legislature would further the inequity of who
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Proposals to Cut Corporate Income Taxes Could Impede Economic Growth

"Corporate income tax rates play a negligible role in business decisions, most research shows," said Amy Blouin. "Businesses cite access to a skilled workforce and efficient transportation as being much more important to business location and investment decisions,
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Proposals to Cut Corporate Income Taxes Could Impede Economic Growth

"Corporate income tax rates play a negligible role in business decisions, most research shows," said Amy Blouin. "Businesses cite access to a skilled workforce and efficient transportation as being much more important to business location and investment decisions,
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Corporate Tax Rates Do Not Drive Business Decisions

While some policymakers advocate cutting Missouri’s corporate income tax as a way to revitalize the state’s still struggling economy, such a move would have little-to-no impact on business expansion or hiring, and is likely to backfire by reducing resources for
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Corporate Tax Rates Do Not Drive Business Decisions

While some policymakers advocate cutting Missouri’s corporate income tax as a way to revitalize the state’s still struggling economy, such a move would have little-to-no impact on business expansion or hiring, and is likely to backfire by reducing resources for
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Bonding Proposals Promising If New Repayment Revenue Source Identified

"With extraordinarily low interest rates, significant infrastructure needs, and modest additional debt service costs, it may be time for Missouri to consider a new bond effort," said Amy Blouin, Executive Director of the MIssouri Budget Project. "However, because
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Bonding Proposals Promising If New Repayment Revenue Source Identified

"With extraordinarily low interest rates, significant infrastructure needs, and modest additional debt service costs, it may be time for Missouri to consider a new bond effort," said Amy Blouin, Executive Director of the MIssouri Budget Project. "However, because
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Bonding Proposals Show Promise

With significant infrastructure needs and extraordinarily low borrowing costs, it may be time for MIssouri to consider new bonding proposals.  However, to protect ongoing investments including education, public safety, and social services, lawmakers should also approve a new
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State Revenue is Growing, But Still Far Below Pre-Recession Levels

Although the state is bringing in more money lately for schools, roads, and other services, it remains far from recovering lost ground. It will take 15 more years to return to the level of purchasing power the state had before the recession. To learn more about the status of
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