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Tying Unemployment Assistance to the State Unemployment Rate Would Weaken Protections, Slow Down Economic Recovery in the Future

Although employment has improved dramatically since the peak of job loss during the pandemic, Missouri’s strong unemployment rate masks considerable geographic disparities. Further, not all Missourians have recovered equally. Tying unemployment benefits to economic conditions
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Tying Unemployment Assistance to the State Unemployment Rate Would Weaken Protections, Slow Down Economic Recovery in the Future

Although employment has improved dramatically since the peak of job loss during the pandemic, Missouri’s strong unemployment rate masks considerable geographic disparities. Further, not all Missourians have recovered equally. Tying unemployment benefits to economic conditions
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Missouri Can Use Federal Stimulus Funds for State Unemployment Insurance Overpayments

Nearly 46,000 Missourians were overpaid unemployment benefits in 2020, largely due to administrative errors tied to the unprecedented volume of unemployment claims related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Given the hardship repayment would place on families who are already struggling
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Testimony in Support of Unemployment Overpayment Forgiveness

Although we appreciate that the Department faced significant challenges in administering rapid federal program changes, attempts to collect overpayments due to administrative failings will only harm the families who were most impacted by the economic fallout due to COVID, many of
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