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Policy Pulse

What’s in a Name? A Medicaid Block Grant by Any Name is Bad for Missouri

While avoiding the terminology, House Budget Committee Chair Ryan proposes to "restructure Medicaid" by effectively converting the program into a block grant.  To learn how the proposal would leave the state, and particularly our seniors, childrens, individuals...
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Policy Pulse: The Governor’s Budget Proposal – Where Does the $67 Million in Medicaid Savings Come From?

Many Missourians want to know how the Governor would trim $67 million from Medicaid in FY 2012 without cutting eligibility.  To learn more about the sources of the savings, click here.
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Letting Extended Unemployment Benefits Expire Is Unwise

Unless Congress acts, federal extended unemployment benefits will end on November 30. Two million Americans and more than 44,000 Missourians will lose the benefits that help them keep food on the table, pay their rent or mortgage and keep utilities connected. Click here to to...
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A Question to Insurance Companies: How Much Is Too Much?

Several recent studies take a look at the surplus funds of insurance companies – both for profit and non-profit.  Surpluses are generated when collected premiums exceed the claims paid. How much of a surplus is needed to assure solvency?  This could be a key...
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Happy Birthday to Medicare- Lessons to be Learned

July 30th is the 45th birthday of Medicare, the successful public health insurance for seniors and people with a disability. This birthday offers important lessons about the power of public structures to benefit individuals in communities across the state. Medicare is a great...
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End of extended unemployment benefits means hard times for more than 47,700 Missourians

The U.S. Senate’s failure to approve extended unemployment benefits means that 47,700 Missourians will have lost their benefits by the end of this week. Unless Congress acts, 71,400 Missourians will lose their benefits by the end of July.  Click here to read more about...
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Special Session Could Pit Perks for Major Company Against State Employees̢

Governor Nixon is considering a special legislative session to pass a bill to offer Ford Motor Company $150 million in tax incentives.  The state would “pay for” the incentives through significant cuts to pension benefits for state employees. While $150 million...
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What will health care reform mean for you?

Click here to read a new Policy Pulse article with some interesting answers to the question many Missourians are asking – what will health care reform mean for me?
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Enacting Streamlined Sales Tax Would Help Missouri Tax Structure, Businesses Keep Up With Changing Times

The world – and the way we live in it – has changed significantly in the past few decades.  One thing that has not changed with the times, however, is Missouri’s tax structure. Click here to read a Policy Pulse article on how passing the streamlined sales...
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