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Missouri’s Medicaid Enrollment Decline: Causes, Barriers, & Solutions

Missouri is currently experiencing one of the largest and most concerning drops in Medicaid enrollment in the nation. While a small share of the decline in enrollment may be attributable to economic factors, the bulk of the decline in Missouri’s enrollment appears to be directly correlated with new renewal procedures and information systems enacted in Missouri in July of 2018.

In order to ensure that all children have access to quality, affordable healthcare, Missouri should place a moratorium on quarterly reviews until the backlog of renewals is completed and systems issues contributing to this decline can be addressed.

In the long term, Missouri can make Medicaid stronger by implementing a range of policy options that would streamline enrollment and renewal, including 12-Month Continuous Eligibility, “Express Lane Eligibility” and No Touch Renewals – each of which would go far towards improving health care and access for Missouri’s children.

Below is an updated map showing the change in Medicaid & CHIP enrollment by county from January 2018 to November 2019.

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