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Missouri Can Address State Medicaid Enrollment Challenges Through Administrative Changes

Missouri has experienced one of the steepest drops in Medicaid enrollment in the nation. While a small share of the decline in enrollment may be attributable to economic factors, the bulk of the decline in Missouri’s enrollment appears directly correlated with new renewal procedures and information systems enacted in Missouri in July of 2018. Of particular concern, a large portion of families who lost Medicaid coverage still meet income eligibility requirements for Medicaid.

Missouri should undertake a number of administrative changes in order to address the immediate challenges created by new renewal procedures and ensure that that every income-eligible child and parent is enrolled in Medicaid. These include:

  • Increasing staffing adequacy at the Department of Social Services Call Center and Local Resource Centers
  • Placing a Temporary Moratorium on Quarterly Reviews and on Automated Closures Creating a Specialized Unit of Trained Workers to Assist Families at Risk of Losing Medicaid
  • Implementing Express Lane Eligibility and Increasing Utilization of No-Touch Renewals
  • Provide Families Access to Update Online Accounts
  • Place Specialized Enrollment Counselors at Every Resource Center to Help Families Apply and Renew Eligibility
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