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State Revenue

House Passed Tax Cuts Will Undermine MO’s Economy

The MO House today chose ideology over Missouri’s economy and middle class. The expensive and ineffective tax bill it passed will raise taxes for average families and result in severe cuts to services that all Missourians rely on in order to fund big tax cuts for profitable
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House Passes Irresponsible, Opportunistic Tax Proposal

Today, the House passed HB 253, a wrong-headed tax cut that would cost the state more than $600 million, resulting in increased class sizes, higher college tuitions, and crumbling roads and bridges.  To read MBP Executive Director Amy Blouin’s statement about the
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House Passes Irresponsible, Opportunistic Tax Proposal

Today, the House passed HB 253, a wrong-headed tax cut that would cost the state more than $600 million, resulting in increased class sizes, higher college tuitions, and crumbling roads and bridges.  To read MBP Executive Director Amy Blouin’s statement about the
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Missouri House Passes Irresponsible Tax Cut

In what may become an alternate vehicle to pass damaging tax cuts, the MO House gave preliminary approval to a proposal that would cost the state about $627 million annually when fully phased in.  The proposal would also require substantial cuts to the budget legislators are
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State Revenue is Growing, But Still Far Below Pre-Recession Levels

Although the state is bringing in more money lately for schools, roads, and other services, it remains far from recovering lost ground. It will take 15 more years to return to the level of purchasing power the state had before the recession. To learn more about the status of
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State General Revenue Inching Up in FY 2013

Missouri general revenue collections for fiscal year 2013 grew by 2.8 percent in August. However, corporate income and individual income tax have had slight declines compared to the previous year. Missouri revenue remains well below the level achieved prior to the recession. Read
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Why Missouri Should Continue Local Sales Tax on Vehicles

State lawmakers will be returning to the Capitol for their annual “veto session” next week. Among the important issues they will consider is the Governor’s veto of House Bill 1329. The measure clarified existing sales tax law as it applies to vehicle sales. If
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FY 2012 Missouri General Revenue Report

Missouri net general revenue collections grew 3.2 percent for FY 2012. However, the state continues to face budget challenges, as total GR collections remain lower than those collected in FY 2008, and the growth rate is lower than in FY 2011.  To learn more about the
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MO Ends FY 2012 With GR Up 3.2 Percent

The state has ended the fiscal year with 3.2 percent net growth and collections outpacing projections, but falling short of the growth rate seen in FY 2011.  However, the net general revenue total remains far below collections attained in FY 2008. To learn more about year
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