Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.


Extreme Tax Proposal Will Undermine MO Economy

The tax cuts passed today by the Senate Ways & Means Committee will slash the state’s general revenue budget by nearly one-fourth, resulting in devastating cuts to services throughout the state. Instead of spurring the economy, the proposal will severely undermine
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Extreme Tax Proposal Will Undermine MO Economy

The tax cuts passed today by the Senate Ways & Means Committee will slash the state’s general revenue budget by nearly one-fourth, resulting in devastating cuts to services throughout the state. Instead of spurring the economy, the proposal will severely undermine
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Medicaid Expansion Would Save MO Money

Missouri has the opportunity to reduce its uninsured by one-fourth and provide health care coverage to about 267,000 Missourians while actually increasing state general revenue available to fund a variety of other services.  To learn more about the cost savings involved in
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Medicaid Expansion Would Save MO Money

Missouri has the opportunity to reduce its uninsured by one-fourth and provide health care coverage to about 267,000 Missourians while actually increasing state general revenue available to fund a variety of other services.  To learn more about the cost savings involved in
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Medicaid Expansion Would Save MO Money

Missouri has the opportunity to reduce its uninsured by one-fourth and provide health care coverage to about 267,000 Missourians while actually increasing state general revenue available to fund a variety of other services.  To learn more about the cost savings involved in
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MBP Testimony in Opposition to TABOR – SJR 2

The Missouri Budget Project testified against SJR 2 in the Senate Ways and Means Committee.  In its full testimony, MBP stated that the measure would force permanent cuts to education, public safety, health care, and other key services that support Missouri’s economy
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Circuit Breaker Cut Would Harm Missouri

The provision included in the Governor’s budget proposal to eliminate the circuit breaker property tax credit for renters would make it more difficult for more than 104,000 low income Missouri seniors and people living with disabilities to stay in their homes by increasing
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Circuit Breaker Cut Would Harm Missouri

The provision included in the Governor’s budget proposal to eliminate the circuit breaker property tax credit for renters would make it more difficult for more than 104,000 low income Missouri seniors and people living with disabilities to stay in their homes by increasing
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Marketplace Fairness Act Will Help MO Retailers and Budget

As more and more shopping has moved online, tax laws have put "bricks and mortar" retailers at a competitive disadvantage. Fortunately, MO lawmakers have the opportunity to enact the Marketplace Fairness Act and take steps towards leveling the playing field for
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Corporate Tax Rates Do Not Drive Business Decisions

While some policymakers advocate cutting Missouri’s corporate income tax as a way to revitalize the state’s still struggling economy, such a move would have little-to-no impact on business expansion or hiring, and is likely to backfire by reducing resources for
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