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Missouri Revenue

Missouri General Revenue Collections Continue Sharp Decline in February 2010

Missouri’s general revenue collections, after refunds, fell by 14.6 percent in February, resulting in a 12.7 percent decline for the first eight months of fiscal year 2010 overall. Click here to read the full report.
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Apples to Oranges: Making Comparisons Between Missouri

Proponents of the proposal to eliminate Missouri’s current state general revenue structure and replace it with a greatly expanded sales tax often compare their plan to states that do not have an individual income tax. However: 1.    No state currently relies
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Why Constitutional Amendments to Allow Missouri to Opt Out of Federal Health Care Reform Should be Opposed

If approved, HJR 48 and SJR 25 would require voter approval to amend the Constitution of Missouri. These amendments attempt to exclude Missouri from any individual mandate to purchase health insurance, which is a key provision of proposed federal health care reform. Click here to
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Presentation on the State of the Missouri Budget

This presentation provides an overview of the state of Missouri’s budget and the structural causes of the state’s budget struggles. 
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What The

A substitute version of Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 29 was recently unveiled in the Missouri Senate. The substitute bill makes a number of changes including exempting a handful of services and purchases from the sales tax. Click here to learn more about how those changes would
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Consequences of Proposals to Drastically Change Missouri’s Tax Structure

Several constitutional amendments that propose to eliminate personal and corporate income taxes and replace them with a greatly expanded sales tax have been introduced this year in the Missouri Legislature.  Click here to read a policy brief on these proposals.  Click
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Enacting the Streamlined Sales Tax Would Benefit Missouri

Enacting the streamlined sales tax will help keep Missouri businesses competitive, provide the state with much-need funds and modernize our revenue structure.  Click here to learn more about this proposal. 
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President Obama announces plan for comprehensive health care reform

On February 22 President Obama released his plan for comprehensive health care reform.  Click here to read a summary.
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Determining the Statewide Sales Tax Rate Under SJR 29 & HJR 56

Senate Joint Resolution 29 and House Joint Resolution 56 would place a constitutional amendment on the ballot to dramatically change the state’s revenue structure by eliminating individual  and corporate income/franchise taxes and replacing them with a greatly expanded
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Take it to the Finish Line: The Urgent Need for Health Care Reform

The U.S. Senate health care reform proposal contains many significant improvements.  Click here to read an analysis of this proposal, which will likely be the basis for reform as the process goes forward.
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