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Tax Cuts Fling Missouri Toward Massive Budget Cliff

Despite the release of many gubernatorial budget restrictions, weak state general revenue collections continue to require reduced funding in the current year. However, Missouri’s current budget challenges are just the beginning of a massive, self-imposed fiscal cliff
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Amendment 10: A Solution in Search of a Problem

In November, Missouri voters will decide on Amendment 10, a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would essentially shift the authority over and responsibility for maintaining a balanced budget from the Governor to the General Assembly. Unfortunately, the measure
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Legislators Should Sustain Tax Vetoes

For Immediate Release: September 9, 2014 Legislators Should Sustain Tax Vetoes Statement from Executive Director Amy Blouin  As legislators consider whether to override Governor Nixon’s vetoes of budget-busting tax breaks or state spending, it is critical to recognize the dire
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Missouri Revenue: Digging Out from a Hole, Only to Go Over a Tax Cut Cliff

Recent spending restrictions are just the beginning of a steep fiscal cliff for Missouri as a result of tax cuts passed in the 2014 legislative session. To maintain FY2014 services and fully fund education, Missouri would face a more than $2 billion shortfall when tax cuts are
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Today’s Budget Restrictions are Just the Beginning

"While today’s budget restrictions are painful, the legislature’s ill-conceived tax cuts will leave critical services competing for budget crumbs far into the future."  To read MBP’s full reaction to budget restrictions announced by the Governor,
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