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Health Care

Take it to the Finish Line: The Urgent Need for Health Care Reform

The U.S. Senate health care reform proposal contains many significant improvements.  Click here to read an analysis of this proposal, which will likely be the basis for reform as the process goes forward.
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Summary of Manager’s Amendment changes to the U.S. Senate proposal to reform health care

Click here to read a summary of the Manager’s Amendment to the U.S. Senate proprosal to reform health care.
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H.R. 3692 Advances Positive Federal Health Care Reform

On October 23, 2009 Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced details in H.R. 3692, the federal health care reform bill that will be brought to the House floor.  This bill goes beyond previous bills to enact positive health care reform.  Click here to view details.
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Median Income and Health Insurance Status by CD

Click here to read about median income and insurance status of individuals in each Congressional District.
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Comparing the Federal Health Reform Bills: Components within the Senate Baucus Plan and House Tri-Committee Plan

Click Here to read a summary of the differences between the Senate Finance Committee Chair’s Health Reform Proposal and the House Tri-Committee Proposal.
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Census Data Released on September 10th: Missourians Falling Behind

Poverty increases substantially, the number of Uninsured Missourians continues to grow, and Missouri Families see the third largest decline in median income in the nation. Click here to read more about what the latest Census data says about Missouri.
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The Facts About Health Care Reform

Click here to learn the facts about what federal health care reform really means for Missouri families.
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Share Your Health Care Story

Personal stories are one of the most powerful ways to demonstrate the need for comprehensive health care reform. Please click here to learn how to share your story.
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Financing Health Care Reform: You Get What You Pay For

The Congress and President Obama have stated that they are committed to ensuring that federal health care reform is fully funded. Click here to learn more about proposed funding measures.
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The Top Six Reasons to Support the House-Proposed Federal Health Care Reform

The America’s Affordable Health Choices Act would provide significant benefits to Missourians. Click here to read about the top 6 reasons why Missouri’s Congressional Delegation should say YES to proposed efforts to assure that all Missourians have access to
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