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Health Care

Happy Birthday to Medicare- Lessons to be Learned

July 30th is the 45th birthday of Medicare, the successful public health insurance for seniors and people with a disability. This birthday offers important lessons about the power of public structures to benefit individuals in communities across the state. Medicare is a great
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Proposition C is Just a Distraction from the Real Issue

Proposition C is just a distraction from the real issue: how to assure affordable health care for Missourians.  Voting NO on Prop C on August 3 is a WISE CHOICE.  Click here to read more.
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The Clock is Ticking: Health Care Reform Begins This Year

The federal health care bills signed in March 2010 will begin to fix much of what is wrong with the current health care system. Of course, it cannot all happen at one time. Click here to read a short summary that shows when some of the important changes began and when others will
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Why Constitutional Amendments to Allow Missouri to Opt Out of Federal Health Care Reform Should be Opposed

If approved, HJR 48 and SJR 25 would require voter approval to amend the Constitution of Missouri. These amendments attempt to exclude Missouri from any individual mandate to purchase health insurance, which is a key provision of proposed federal health care reform. Click here to
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President Obama announces plan for comprehensive health care reform

On February 22 President Obama released his plan for comprehensive health care reform.  Click here to read a summary.
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