Shaping Policies. Creating Opportunities.

Federal Policy

Congress has Critical Opportunity to Extend Targeted ARRA Tax Changes That Most Help Missouri Families

Click here to read a new report on how extending changes to the federal  Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit will help Missouri’s working families. 
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Targeting Scarce Resources: Congress has Critical Opportunity to Boost the Economy and Reduce the Deficit

Significant changes were made to federal tax policy in 2001 and 2003.  Click here to read a new report on why the tax cuts targeted at middle- and low-income families should be made permanent and that the tax cuts for the high-income taxpayers be allowed to expire on schedule.
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The Estate Tax: A policy affecting few that hurts many

Under current law, the estate tax will disappear completely in 2010.  This will mean a loss of approximately $14 billion in revenue, a loss that could hurt many.  Click here to learn about current estate tax proposals being considered by Congress.
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Why Constitutional Amendments to Allow Missouri to Opt Out of Federal Health Care Reform Should be Opposed

If approved, HJR 48 and SJR 25 would require voter approval to amend the Constitution of Missouri. These amendments attempt to exclude Missouri from any individual mandate to purchase health insurance, which is a key provision of proposed federal health care reform. Click here to
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President Obama announces plan for comprehensive health care reform

On February 22 President Obama released his plan for comprehensive health care reform.  Click here to read a summary.
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Take it to the Finish Line: The Urgent Need for Health Care Reform

The U.S. Senate health care reform proposal contains many significant improvements.  Click here to read an analysis of this proposal, which will likely be the basis for reform as the process goes forward.
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Summary of Manager’s Amendment changes to the U.S. Senate proposal to reform health care

Click here to read a summary of the Manager’s Amendment to the U.S. Senate proprosal to reform health care.
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Economic Recovery Act Has Kept Roughly 105,000 Missourians Out Of Poverty And Boosted Economy, New Report Shows

Seven provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act  of 2009 (ARRA), passed in February, are keeping approximately 105,000 Missourians from falling into poverty this year. Click here to read a news release about a new report new report from the Washington,
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H.R. 3692 Advances Positive Federal Health Care Reform

On October 23, 2009 Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced details in H.R. 3692, the federal health care reform bill that will be brought to the House floor.  This bill goes beyond previous bills to enact positive health care reform.  Click here to view details.
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The Facts About Health Care Reform

Click here to learn the facts about what federal health care reform really means for Missouri families.
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